• We have started a 4v4 historical map with free team selection. We need a group of four to be Germany, AH, Ottomans and Bulgaria. It is random country selection with 1 day peace with ai and players. The Bulgaria player must play. Lol.

    Ideally, I would like to get an alliance of 4 to join so that there is some comraderie between you guys. We want a challenge. We have two lower ranked players and two higher ranked players. We all understand the fundamentals of the game. Though, I might be hesitant to let a group of four Brigadiers join.

    Show some interest and in the next few days once there are enough people posting in here, I will give the game number and password.

  • it all depends how playing that country how can win with Central Powers same can win with Entente. If the cooperation is there and you know your role and do it correct can win every country.

    Enforcer(Angel of Death)b78//+