Colour Pictures

  • Yeah, on 500 player maps, when a player has uploaded a pictures to their nations profile, sometimes you see the pictures on the news in color. I think it only happens on 500 player maps, though I might be wrong. I am in a 500 p now and, though I did not put any pictures in the news, every time I post to the news there is a picture that goes in with it. I see it happen with other players too. The one I am in now, every time a certain person post in the news, a picture of a dog also get put in the news.

    “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”

    ― Albert Einstein

    “War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”

    ― Anonymous

  • Okay, maybe it is a glitch but it is happening. As you can see there are pictures in color.

    Nether I, nor the other person has High Command. So how is it happening?

    Ive been seeing some coloured pictures in some newspaper articles, but mine are black and white. Can anybody elaborate on this

    They are from when a player changes the nation's profile pictures. That is my best guess. I could be wrong, but why else would the same pictures from the nation's profile be in the news?

    “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”

    ― Albert Einstein

    “War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”

    ― Anonymous

    Edited once, last by j10211647: Problem with uploading the pictures. ().