The Return: U.R.O Shenanigans 3.0

  • The Universal Role-Playing Organization


    From the Office of the Chancellor of the U.R.O


    My dearest friends, it has been far to long. Indeed, it is I, CzarHellios, and my Czarist reign has once again begun over these small, frail forums that were once filled with hundreds of threads.

    My heart is indeed filled with sorrow. A time where I would awaken once in the morning to find ten or so threads with over a hundred new posts each. A time where every moment I therefore checked Skype, I would go forth to take a shower, make a cup of coffee, take out my dogs and they would mostly have finished loading by then. Somewhat before that, those Xat chats. A time where their was some new drama going on every other moment.

    Therefore the resurrection of CzarHellios was necessary. As long as Role-Playing is oppressed, my organization shall continue to grow.

    Now my friends, we will commence reorganization and ratification of the Constitution of the Role-Playing Community and subsequent appointments for required positions and assemble the Grand Assembly. We will therefore officially bring to the table our new Role-Playing games.

    The U.R.O Classic Central Victory, Cisco's Cotton is King, and Victorian era Role-Playing. Without any subsequent tech trees or complicated setups - Merely simple landswaps and pure Role-Play at it's finest in a mixture of mostly articles and a few Skype Role-Play meetings. Indeed, once slots are filled, selected people here will be allowed to forum Role-Play as Ministers or other people in said Role-Players Governments, allowing them a chance to have fun and help craft a enjoyable story. Players will simply be expected to help craft enjoyable stories with one another. The expectations are simply proper English and grammar - Senior High School to college level at minimum and pseudo competitive game play. Those that oppose our reign will be purged from the game via furry style Naruto running. Everything will be archived in a neat scrapbook with commentary, that will be professionally edited and posted online once the games are finished.

    A link to our new official website and application process is: Click Here














    Just joking.

    It's hard for me to be as dramatic and egotistical as I used to be. Always pushing old tired memes too hard. It's harder to imagine I have over ten plus years of history here. In a way I grew up with this game. The original community here helped me when I was going through some of the worst moments of my life to better days. I was far to silly half the time, but it was a genuine blast to play with all of you in some way, shape or fashion. Through all the drama and nonsense we all went through, it was a pretty good run all those years ago. Pretty surprising we kept the show running for as long as we did. Still miss the java client - Open source it ; ). Might login again in another ten years if this is still around.

    Hope most of you and my old friends are doing pretty good in life. Hope one of you finally became the doctor you were studying to be, the other few are doing good in the army. I know a good chunk of you were in college - Hope everything went well and all of you graduated and got good jobs. I know two of you found pretty cute girls, hope that is still going good. I did appreciate you and the memories we made.

    Much love to all of you. A cheer to the past decade.


  • what a throwback. nice to see you and the URO flag czar, even if it is through memes

    "Unity and Loyalty Above All"

    My Youtube Channel is linked in the thumbnail :)


    The New Roleplayers Union Discord is linked to the Banner. Feel free to drop by and say hello 8)
