Storm Legion is looking for other alliances to challenge

Alliance match
Boot Brigade will accept is challenge under traditional Alliance Battle Map agreement of 'No Gold Use' , in addition last summer, Bytro determined all 'exploits' are now considered as 'advanced strategies' and are allowed....
Anytime you are ready send us the challenge we do not care south america, Europe, any 5 vs 5 we happy to accomodate you
Kind Regards, Hastings TNT
Leader Boot Brigade
EN Moderator
could you please explain 'exploits'? as this would be our first alliance match, i would like to inform my members as to what we are getting into. i agree with no gold use, since i prefer to use my knowledge instead of just buying a win. we just started a created game to work on team work and communication skills, so we may be just a bit before we are ready. thank you for responding, i was afraid that after putting this alliance together that it was all for nothing.
Things you remember as 'exploits' are now considered as 'advanced strategies' and are acceptable now , no different than Shoot n Scoot, or Hit n Run was always an acceptable 'exploit' from the past...
I also have newly formed Alliance and look forward to putting guys thru their paces and working together as a Team.
Send challenge when you are ready, i can get 4-5 guys to participate with in a few days... as you know real life always comes first, good to start any map on a Wednesday or Thursday with a 2-3 day peace period then we can all have fun over the weekend as the Peace period expires and no one is busy with work.
Kind Regards, Hastings TNT
Leader Boot Brigade
EN Moderator
Thank you for the explanation. I will get my members together as soon as possible. I am really excited to get this together, especially against such a respected adversary as yourself. Your idea of the start time is a brilliant idea and i'm sure my members will agree. Win or lose it will be a tremendous learning experience for us.
With great appreciation, Inxs1
Leader Storm Legion
The tournament island map says it has gold feature. Does this mean we would have to pay to create it?
Did you guys end up fighting? Mercator Mortalis is down to have a 5 on 5 against either of you two
patto del mare del nord serch ally to do a challenge,
contact bille90