Golden Barage Cross issue
month has passed and NO ONE helped me
no one even responded to my thread here or my message to support
can I ask what are further steps if support does not respond for a month?
Thank you
Make a new report. Spam them with report till some will finish respond.
reporting anything via regular way doest not give any results at all
i bought HC to save my time from supremacy, i cannot afford to spend it on reporting same thing dozen times
Is there any way I can obtain my barrage cross?
sorry to call you directly but no other channel works.
is it possible at to assign dedicated GO for all issues related to Game Overview and statistics' issues?
I'll do my best to find out if there is any precondition or specific requirement that isn't obvious.
It's not possible to dedicate a GO to work on statistics as this is a thing a developer will have to work on. As far as I know there might be some bigger changes coming to how statistics work so they are updated more frequently but this has low priority right now. -
that statistic was not updated in the last 12 years for me so I am sure it never worked
Petruz confirmed that you need to ask bytro to give you that badge- there is noother way apparently
Like I said, I'll try to get back to you with any info as to why this might be happening. Best case its fixable without much trouble. If it doesn't work for some reason I'll award you the medal manually. I think it's fair to assume you managed to kill more than 1k units with arty over the years.
Like I said, I'll try to get back to you with any info as to why this might be happening. Best case its fixable without much trouble. If it doesn't work for some reason I'll award you the medal manually. I think it's fair to assume you managed to kill more than 1k units with arty over the years.
it all depends how Bombardment is defined in a code of that Medal
i does not seem to be related to arts, rgs or shooting ships
doesnt seem to be related to Bombers neither
in my case
Is there an answer to this yet? I've been having the same issue for a while now.
I've been submitting help tickets on achievements/ranking points/statistics for the last year and I either get no reply or something like the above:
"As far as I know there might be some bigger changes coming to how statistics work so they are updated more frequently but this has low priority right now."
It seems the strategy is to just try to pacify players by saying its going to be fixed soon and then not fixing the broken system. This is my favorite game and I spend money on it, but the broken statistics/achievements system is a massive detractor for me.
They announced today, 3/11/23, that they will be fixing it soon, but after hearing that so many times, I have little confidence in the claim. I really hope this time is different.