[S1914] Release Notes - 2021-05-26

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    • Front Reports were reworked to increase their functionality.
      • Category toggles were added on top, allowing you to filter out certain types of reports such as warfare or diplomatic reports.
      • The layout was adjusted to be more consistent with headlines, sentence structure and icon usage throughout the game. The layout between desktop and mobile is more consistent now as well.
      • On the right side of each report the relevant location is displayed and can be clicked to jump to the position of the event or to open the respective panel.

    • The province list was reworked on desktop.
      • The province list received a more polished look.
      • The list is now draggable and can be resized freely.
      • The province list can be displayed better on smaller resolutions now.
      • The build queue was altered accordingly and can also be dragged and resized like the province list.

    • The positioning dot of an army will be highlighted now when hovering or selecting an army. This change makes it easier to find an army's location in crowded areas.The positioning dot is white by default and turns red when the army is selected or hovered over.
    • The snapping radius to province centers was increased by approx 30% when giving unit commands, to reduce the amount of inaccurate commands.
    • When you receive a reward from watching an ad, you do not receive any email notification about it anymore. This change was made to avoid cluttering your email inbox with several emails per day. You still receive emails for other rewards you receive though.

    Bug Fixes:

    • A bug was fixed that prevented the ambient battle sounds to be played when zooming in to an ongoing battle on the map.
    • An issue on desktop was resolved that prevented the lasso tool, which allows for the selection of multiple units at once, to select all armies within the marked area of the map.
  • Hello,
    This is my feedback on this update:

    • Toggles on reports are super useful feature, especially on large maps where so much information is incoming.
    • As far as reports windows go, everything seems alright.

    When it comes to the updated province list window:

    • Resizable windows is a welcome feature, but it is probably a bug that when I refresh or log into other game all resizing resets.
    • One annoying thing is that when I need to sort by buildings, I always need to click on a button which only then provides possible selection. In precious version you only needed one click to sort everything out. Now it requires more time to do the same thing.
    • Another thing which frustrates me is that structures are no longer aligned in the same column. They all go as a sequence and it is very hard to compare different provinces. In previous versions it was very convenient.
    • One thing which could be added is ability to sort buildings from the lowest tier to the highest.

    Other updates:

    • Snapping feature should available as customizable setting. Because 30% increasement is super annoying when you want to disembark artilleries into island and not to attack province directly. Those 30% really decreases precision, but I guess it is more useful to mobile, because "thumb" is not an accurate device like a "mouse".

    Feedback on previous update:

    • Rounding up of available resources is not very convenient, when you try to buy exact amount of resources from the stock market to build a building. I always get myself into situations, where it says 1.5k, so I buy 500 iron for the fort and then I find you that exact amount is 1979, so then I need again to buy iron. It is very annoying and uses a lot of time.

    That's it for now,
    Best regards

  • Why you had to make province administration menu so confusing like what is the point of this new menu? The new menu dont even load on 500 maps i think at this point bytro is just making fun of players. I thought it was impossible to make this game even more confusing and unplayable

  • Hello,
    This is my feedback on this update:

    • Toggles on reports are super useful feature, especially on large maps where so much information is incoming.
    • As far as reports windows go, everything seems alright.

    When it comes to the updated province list window:

    • Resizable windows is a welcome feature, but it is probably a bug that when I refresh or log into other game all resizing resets.
    • One annoying thing is that when I need to sort by buildings, I always need to click on a button which only then provides possible selection. In precious version you only needed one click to sort everything out. Now it requires more time to do the same thing.
    • Another thing which frustrates me is that structures are no longer aligned in the same column. They all go as a sequence and it is very hard to compare different provinces. In previous versions it was very convenient.
    • One thing which could be added is ability to sort buildings from the lowest tier to the highest.

    Other updates:

    • Snapping feature should available as customizable setting. Because 30% increasement is super annoying when you want to disembark artilleries into island and not to attack province directly. Those 30% really decreases precision, but I guess it is more useful to mobile, because "thumb" is not an accurate device like a "mouse".

    Feedback on previous update:

    • Rounding up of available resources is not very convenient, when you try to buy exact amount of resources from the stock market to build a building. I always get myself into situations, where it says 1.5k, so I buy 500 iron for the fort and then I find you that exact amount is 1979, so then I need again to buy iron. It is very annoying and uses a lot of time.

    That's it for now,
    Best regards

    In regards to the province menu:

    • we're already working on the window to remember the size set by players after a reload so this will definitely make it into the game soon.
    • a filter to select the buildings to all be in line is also again is also looked into and likely to be reimplemented.

    The rounding of ressource amounts will almost certainly also be adjusted so you could at least enable, or disable it. Likely it'll only apply once large amounts of ressources are present in your stockpiles so you can see exact values when they're relevant.

    I'll relay the rest of your feedback that I didn't adress already. Thanks for letting us know what you think about the changes.

  • Hey,

    I have been playing around with the new province list, but on the 500 map that I am playing it just doesnt work the way it should. Let me list somethings I have run into:

    1. It is now much harder to distinguish between single and double resource provinces, in the old menu the double resource provinces had the double resource Icon, I have no idea why this changed. Double resource provinces have a higher priority for upgrading, so I want to be able to quickly identify and select them.

    2. even when I managed to select the provinces I wanted to upgrade first, having several provinces selected and trying to build something in all of the selected provinces, or adding something to the build que just doesnt work. Now in the old menu it was a bit laggy sometimes, but here there is just no response, even after waiting for a minutes. This is super frustrating.

    3. As also said by Disintegrator , the way the buidlings are sorted in collums, it is now very hard to compare provinces.

    So my main conclusion here is that it does look nicer at first glance, and I also like the fact that it is resizable. However there is a big loss of functionality here, and in my opinion that is the main function of this menu, to be able to organize your empire quicklier and more efficiently. Now this may not be such a big issue in the earlier game or on smaller maps, but I like to play 500 maps, currently I am playing one and have close to 800 provinces. Not being able to relatively efficiently give build orders for certain types of provinces really makes the game unplayable.

    One practical example would be to build artilary units, I currently have the resources to build 80, normally I would then go to my province list, filter on factory, having my factories level 4 at the top, select all the provinces I want to build the artilary in using shift-click and then build the artilary in all the provinces with one click. The only way to do it now seems to be by selecting one province and then build one artilary. See my problem here?

  • I agree with what others have said above.

    To add to that, when implementing new changes, I suggest that greater consideration should be given to the computation demands (CPU, memory, etc) of these changes. I see that a common complain is that large maps (100-500 player maps) already have horrible lag in late game. If new functions improve gameplay but increase the lag substantially, I really don't see it as an improvement at all. I would rather than have less laggy platform with less functions than an extremely laggy platform with a lot of functions.

    Regarding the point about snapping. I read in the other thread that CONTROL key can disable snapping. This is really good to know (first time I heard about it). I tried it out on my computer (MacOS) and it did indeed seem to reduce the snapping radius, but did not totally disable it. I suggest changing it such that it totally disable snapping.

    Any sufficiently advanced tactic is indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.

  • Hello,
    This is my feedback on this update:

    • Toggles on reports are super useful feature, especially on large maps where so much information is incoming.
    • As far as reports windows go, everything seems alright.

    When it comes to the updated province list window:

    • Resizable windows is a welcome feature, but it is probably a bug that when I refresh or log into other game all resizing resets.
    • One annoying thing is that when I need to sort by buildings, I always need to click on a button which only then provides possible selection. In precious version you only needed one click to sort everything out. Now it requires more time to do the same thing.
    • Another thing which frustrates me is that structures are no longer aligned in the same column. They all go as a sequence and it is very hard to compare different provinces. In previous versions it was very convenient.
    • One thing which could be added is ability to sort buildings from the lowest tier to the highest.

    Other updates:

    • Snapping feature should available as customizable setting. Because 30% increasement is super annoying when you want to disembark artilleries into island and not to attack province directly. Those 30% really decreases precision, but I guess it is more useful to mobile, because "thumb" is not an accurate device like a "mouse".

    Feedback on previous update:

    • Rounding up of available resources is not very convenient, when you try to buy exact amount of resources from the stock market to build a building. I always get myself into situations, where it says 1.5k, so I buy 500 iron for the fort and then I find you that exact amount is 1979, so then I need again to buy iron. It is very annoying and uses a lot of time.

    That's it for now,
    Best regards

    hanks for the helpful feedback! Most of your feedback will be adressed in the next release.

    Thanks for the recent feedback guys! With the next update we will implement further changes:

    For the province list the following adjustments are already on beta:

    - performance will be improved (reduction of lag)

    - double resource icons will be displayed again

    - province list will be movable to the right edge of the screen

    - province list will remember its position and scale when reloading the game, so you only need to place it to your liking once

    - buildings will all be displayed in their own column for easier sorting

    - sorting buttons will be added on top of each building column for easier sorting

    As for the snapping radius, right now we cant offer different settings for it. But you can hold CTRL while dragging your army to reduce the snapping radius (I know we have to communicate this better).

    As for adjusting the rounding: This is also somewhere on our plan but I cant tell right now when we will change it.

    I agree with what others have said above.

    To add to that, when implementing new changes, I suggest that greater consideration should be given to the computation demands (CPU, memory, etc) of these changes. I see that a common complain is that large maps (100-500 player maps) already have horrible lag in late game. If new functions improve gameplay but increase the lag substantially, I really don't see it as an improvement at all. I would rather than have less laggy platform with less functions than an extremely laggy platform with a lot of functions.

    Regarding the point about snapping. I read in the other thread that CONTROL key can disable snapping. This is really good to know (first time I heard about it). I tried it out on my computer (MacOS) and it did indeed seem to reduce the snapping radius, but did not totally disable it. I suggest changing it such that it totally disable snapping.

    CTRL indeed does only reduce snapping and not completely disable it. There was always snapping in the past as disabling it would result in units standing 1px outside of cities without players noticing etc. But we will probably reduce it even more in some future update based on the feedback.

    The performance of the list will hopefully be better after the next release, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Why you had to make province administration menu so confusing like what is the point of this new menu? The new menu dont even load on 500 maps i think at this point bytro is just making fun of players. I thought it was impossible to make this game even more confusing and unplayable

    So now you think that putting double resource icon in province administration is a bad idea thats just sad

  • If you want real feed back from experienced players give players a reason to play Frontline Pioneers > Apparently evidence shows 2 yrs of Frontline Pioneers input/feedback has not helped. I have to assume we are all BETA testers considering this latest update ; you had 2 yrs of feedback time for working on this ReVamp display and you never had so many complaints until you removed Legacy option from veterans of s1914. So the 5% of remaining Legacy players are now getting chance to speak of what changes need to be made.

    #1 change all SHOUT for is the option/ return of Tactical Armies Display, what do we get > Province admin tab broken, pathfinding broken, other country displayed for our own units... Please give us one thing we all asking for Tactical Army Display!

    Reason to play Frontline Pioneers > Gold Mark Rewards or Bug Brigade medals, only reason I am listed as frontline Pioneer is to avoid the unwanted Pop-up Advertisement I get each time I log into s1914

    One question do any of the DEV's actually play S1914?


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

  • More feed back from a veteran and expierenced player as being an ex GO.

    Like Hastings said. Instead of wasting time in putting resources to make a province list that can be moved around (much wow) U should turn to your core problems of this new UI compared to legacy. Simplify tactical armies display. This complaint has been going on from the first MINUTE that the new UI has been launched and this by basicly ALL veteran players but it simply gets ignored or gets pushed back because moving a province list seems top priority... And there are much more problems wich were all discussed in the forum thread where the total removal of legacy was announced that need to happen aswell. Legacy has been removed so there is basicly no more excuse about "having to split resources over 2 game modes" as there is only one now. Start improving core problems. Thanks

    Everything stated there should be focussed on before sending more useless updates into this game making it more unplayable.

  • More feed back from a veteran and expierenced player as being an ex GO.

    Like Hastings said. Instead of wasting time in putting resources to make a province list that can be moved around (much wow) U should turn to your core problems of this new UI compared to legacy. Simplify tactical armies display. This complaint has been going on from the first MINUTE that the new UI has been launched and this by basicly ALL veteran players but it simply gets ignored or gets pushed back because moving a province list seems top priority... And there are much more problems wich were all discussed in the forum thread where the total removal of legacy was announced that need to happen aswell. Legacy has been removed so there is basicly no more excuse about "having to split resources over 2 game modes" as there is only one now. Start improving core problems. Thanks

    Everything stated there should be focussed on before sending more useless updates into this game making it more unplayable.

    Damn i love your response its sad that bytro devs only pretend that they listen to player opinion

  • Okay, I swore the last post was going to be my final word but it's kind of like playing the lottery -- you buy ONE more ticket in the vain hope that IT is going to be the winner.

    I could easily turn this post into a list of complaints but that would not help anyone. I'm going to specify some things with the new UI and potential FIXES - drawing on my own experience developing Graphics and User Interfaces and Controls.

    Let's start with the first one. The REALLY pretty 3D graphics for everything. Okay, let's keep them BUT only have them active when you're zoomed all the way IN. This way, when you're zoomed out, you can run with Tactical Army Displays aka Legacy look. Let's also work with those graphics so we don't have Battleships the size of Sicily, if they only show full size when zoomed right in, we should be able to eliminate such things.

    Secondly, we now have pretty moving water BUT we sacrifice the little dots that used to let us know the shipping routes. AGAIN, work with the zoom so that moving water can happen in full zoom mode AND/OR be disabled completely so the POINTS can move to the FRONT of the layer.

    The ability to work with the Administrative Menu is paramount and needs to be addressed immediately. ESPECIALLY in the 100 and 500 games, you simply will not be able to play without devoting an additional 6 to 8 hours of time JUST to make sure all your cities are doing what you want them to do. Seriously, take a look at the old Legacy version of the Menu and make it work and look like that. This is one are where Function over Form is paramount.

    This next suggestion may hurt a little but I'm going to make it anyway. It seems to me that people keep coming forward and saying they want suggestions from us on how to improve things and we need to have patience. WE (the customers) keep making suggestions and even submitting bug reports but it APPEARS to us that it's akin to shouting during a hurricane, NOBODY can hear us or is listening because instead of getting things we ASK for, we get things that NOBODY asks for. Now before you jump down my throat, I'm going to tell you a phrase that I have LIVED with for my entire life. Perception IS Reality.

    I'm still around in the hope things are going to get better but that little hope is getting smaller by the day.

  • First and foremost: the performance issues related to using the province list will be hotfixed asap (today if nothing unexpected happens).
    Further adjustments that have been listed by freezy, including building filters amonst others, will be released with one of the coming updates. Double res icons will of course also be reimplemented as they weren't ment to be removed in the first place.

    For those of you wondering and being a little upset as to why we're releasing improved frontline reports and the resizable province list now, when we asked for your feedback in regards to legacy removal beforehand, let me give you some insight into how all of this works on a company level.

    While we're very happy to receive a lot of feedback now after the removal of legacy, we can't keep our schedules and plans open in hopes of receiving concrete ideas for adjustments, so we can work on those immediately. We also can't just release fixes as soon as they're done as they need to be reviewed and tested. What this means in the case of legacy feedback related fixes is that first we need to collect feedback. Things that come up in high frequency very quickly can be taskified within days if we come to the conclusion that we definitely want to make adjustments. In this case smaller 3d models, smaller labels or map filters to remove 3d models were very quickly agreed on.
    Once we agree that this should be adjusted, we agree on a concrete solution so your developers don't just "make 3d models smaller" but define how small etc. Same goes for everything else. While it's easy to come to the conclusion that something needs adjusting, a bit more detail is required for adjustments that affect every player in the game.
    Once a task is completed and a fix is in place, we can't just release this whenever but need to test it. Hence we post patch notes on a bi-weekly basis and not at random.

    The things that got released this week have been worked on by the time the legacy removal update went live which is why they were released now instead of super quick adjustments based on legacy feedback.

    We've collected you feedback and I've also stated in other threads that we will make adjustements, as they have already been agreed on but we cannot drop everything to work on these as we're following a schedule to keep everything running as best we can.

    As a player I can only asure you once again that I understand your points of view and feel the frustration when feedback doesn't result in immediate change.
    As an employee I also see the broader picture however and can therefore asure you that everyone is trying to make things happen, but is at some point is limited by time, ressources and urgency.
    The province list caused performace issues, therefore it will be hotfixed asap, as it really impacts the game in a negative way. Other adjustemens will likely be made with the next update(s).

    As for a tactical army display, please keep in mind that we can't just furiously tap on our keyboards and magically make code appear that works right away and represents the image of tactical army labels we have in our heads, but we have to work out all the details, code them and test them. This requires the game designers to come up with the best solution for the labels, the art team to design the visuals, the developers to code it, quality assurance to test it. Only then can we release new content. It takes time and we already have stuff on our plates.

    We want to improve the standard client whenever possible and legacy feedback provided us with contrete ideas as to what can be done. At this point I can not do much but remind you once again that the process of transforming an idea into releasable content isn't necessarly very quick and we stark working on tasks that are released weeks or months before they go live. Legacy related improvements are no exception.

    Tl:dr: province list performance hotfix comming today hopefully, everything else most likely next update. Legacy related improvements have been agreed on but need time to be worked on and implemented.

  • Second day without being able to create new buildings on 500 map i honestly think that bytro tries to get rid of this game. Its insane you were getting feedback from veterans since the release of the new version and instead of listening to them you just completly destroy the only one feature that was working fine. Now the game is unplayable for 2 days (im not joking i literally cant build more than 5 buildings on 500 map, i cant see my 2x resource provinces and its lagging so damn hard), and you say that you somehow test all updates for 2 week. I dont know who is responsable for doing these tests but i bet my grandma would be 100% better doing all these "tests"

  • As for a tactical army display, please keep in mind that we can't just furiously tap on our keyboards and magically make code appear that works right away and represents the image of tactical army labels we have in our heads, but we have to work out all the details, code them and test them. This requires the game designers to come up with the best solution for the labels, the art team to design the visuals, the developers to code it, quality assurance to test it. Only then can we release new content. It takes time and we already have stuff on our plates.

    Tactical Army Display is not a new request, it was included in the first role out of ReVamp/UI display (2019), it was removed from ReVamp, I played Revamp for a short time until the 3 D Models and Banners were introduced and at that time I returned to Legacy, please bring it back as an Option.


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

  • Okay, I swore the last post was going to be my final word but it's kind of like playing the lottery -- you buy ONE more ticket in the vain hope that IT is going to be the winner.

    I could easily turn this post into a list of complaints but that would not help anyone. I'm going to specify some things with the new UI and potential FIXES - drawing on my own experience developing Graphics and User Interfaces and Controls.

    Let's start with the first one. The REALLY pretty 3D graphics for everything. Okay, let's keep them BUT only have them active when you're zoomed all the way IN. This way, when you're zoomed out, you can run with Tactical Army Displays aka Legacy look. Let's also work with those graphics so we don't have Battleships the size of Sicily, if they only show full size when zoomed right in, we should be able to eliminate such things.

    Secondly, we now have pretty moving water BUT we sacrifice the little dots that used to let us know the shipping routes. AGAIN, work with the zoom so that moving water can happen in full zoom mode AND/OR be disabled completely so the POINTS can move to the FRONT of the layer.

    The ability to work with the Administrative Menu is paramount and needs to be addressed immediately. ESPECIALLY in the 100 and 500 games, you simply will not be able to play without devoting an additional 6 to 8 hours of time JUST to make sure all your cities are doing what you want them to do. Seriously, take a look at the old Legacy version of the Menu and make it work and look like that. This is one are where Function over Form is paramount.

    This next suggestion may hurt a little but I'm going to make it anyway. It seems to me that people keep coming forward and saying they want suggestions from us on how to improve things and we need to have patience. WE (the customers) keep making suggestions and even submitting bug reports but it APPEARS to us that it's akin to shouting during a hurricane, NOBODY can hear us or is listening because instead of getting things we ASK for, we get things that NOBODY asks for. Now before you jump down my throat, I'm going to tell you a phrase that I have LIVED with for my entire life. Perception IS Reality.

    I'm still around in the hope things are going to get better but that little hope is getting smaller by the day.

    Hello together!

    Someone speaks from my soul!

    What you have listed there is unfortunately a fact.

    You give tips , suggestions for improvement, error messages that are simply overread / overheard.

    Bytro just pulls straight through his thing without regard to loss.

    Really too bad bytro.

    Then I wonder why there are actually such forums where you are not heard?

  • as i wrote in other topic Slyx is familiar with

    Revamp takes 5-10 more tiem than legacy to do exactly same things

    during that time we have multiple glitches, lags, denial of service ( orders do not go through server)

    can we do something about revamp so it works without issues and doesnt waste so much time

    that is main reason people who paid for HC want money back-0 HC is to save time, revamp is wasting way more time than HC is saving