Many people enjoy faster rounds with experienced players however the only speed round you can consistently find are tutorial maps. I know it would make a lot of people happy if there was a an option to change the speed of a game when creating a new one.

Speed rounds
bytro makes speed events pretty often, get on that when you see em
bytro makes speed events pretty often, get on that when you see em
I personally don't play them but I was talking to someone yesterday that complained there wasn't enough.
The new recurring Saturday event is also 3x speed...
should be 10* so you can finish it in weekend
when we tested them back in 2014 it was taking roughly 6 -12 hours to win alliance game Europe10 with 10* speed
I see alot of speed rounds. The Devs are on top of their game.
this is exactly what we need right now , speed rounds are much much more fun than the usual long rounds
the speed rounds are rare , the ability to set the speed of the match before creating a game would be a great feature -
this is exactly what we need right now , speed rounds are much much more fun than the usual long rounds
the speed rounds are rare , the ability to set the speed of the match before creating a game would be a great featureGlad you enjoy the speedrounds. Having the speedfactor as a customizable option when creating a game might not be realistic though, as it would make several events obsolete.
Would be nice for Bytro to make Announcement some of differences in mechanics in Speed rounds,
e.g. > coalition cool down period is still 2 full days in speed round = 8 game days for 4x speed map
e.g. > Victory Points and builds from previous day change are the total when clock is expires on Event Maps, any build completed in last 6 hours will not count toward your Victory Point total as in normal maps
maybe 10* speed quick test tournament to see how it goes.
should take about a week to finish it with that speed
Maybe 12x, to simplify the math.
So 1 day = 2 hours.
But as such, these late-night games would be frustrating for non-hardcore gamers.
Maybe 12x, to simplify the math.
So 1 day = 2 hours.
But as such, these late-night games would be frustrating for non-hardcore gamers.
If it's too hard for them then they shouldn't do it. I don't.
Yep. But I would like to have the chance to choose more games in 2x or 3x.
1x is waaayy more boring!
1x speed was created in 2007-2008 when playing mobile was not so common. For computer users it was ideal. But as tiem has changed bytro also allowed different speed events and seed maps recognizing demand on the mobile part of community
i am more than sure 1xmaps will be in minority soon
1x speed was created in 2007-2008 when playing mobile was not so common. For computer users it was ideal. But as tiem has changed bytro also allowed different speed events and seed maps recognizing demand on the mobile part of community
i am more than sure 1xmaps will be in minority soon
I still prefer 1x speed. I can't check the game often enough even at 1x speed I am too busy.
If it's too hard for them then they shouldn't do it. I don't.
It's not a question of being too hard. It's the need for some people to get sleep at night. 2 hour days means you miss 3 or 4 days of play in one night. That's not manageable for normal people.
If the 10x or 12x games were geographically controlled, like within four time zones, it would be more playable. Maybe even with a daily pause, or if every ninth "day" were 8 hours, and the other "days" were two hours each. Variable day length? I think that would be playable.
speed runs should be possible to clsoe within 18-20 h.
so you sit and play all day. I guess 30xspeed will do here
Super speed maps with 20x or more are a real problem to run. The game is designed to run at a certain speed and while it can be increased, at some point it's starting to struggle with refreshes, battle ticks etc so we can't just turn it up indefinitely.
The sweetspot for most people who prefer faster maps while still keeping the dynamic of the game is around x4. -
Just in case it is of interest to the players who'd like to see insane speed maps on public servers: we play 100x rounds on christmas and other special occasions on our testservers. While it is quite fun (especially if you have a cold beer while playing with your colleagues) it is also quite literally insane. At 100x not only does combat between large stacks resolve in minutes, you also quite literally can't go afk, ever. If you join 3mins late, the market in the early game is completely drained. You also quite literally need more than one person playing the same account to properly move your troops at that speed.
It is fun because of how wild it is, but it is no way suited as a serious game mode.