[S1914] Release Notes - 2021-08-04

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    • A discord button was added to the already existing social media buttons in the main menu. Clicking on it will redirect you to the official Supremacy 1914 Discord Server. Furthermore we added all social media buttons, including Discord, to the “Community” tab in the “More” menu on mobile devices.
    • We’ve added the option to deselect units by simply hitting the ESC key. Certain pop-ups within the game can also be closed this way.
    • When changing any of the map filter options, these changes would not always be saved after the game was closed and reopened again. This has now been fixed so map filters will be saved and applied correctly after closing and reopening a map.

    Bug fixes:

    • On mobile devices the victory progress tab wrongfully displayed the AI for human players, despite them still being active. This has been fixed so the right icons are shown at all times.
    • A bug was fixed which affected the functionality of the “last selected unit”-icon and caused an error exception to pop up in case the last selected unit stack was split into multiple units.
    • Several bugs on various maps have been fixed, including but not limited to spelling mistakes, incorrect flags, and road connections.
    • After creating a resource offer on the stock market and switching to another map, the stock market would only allow the creation of offers for that specific resource unless the game was reloaded, as the respective icon could not be switched This has been fixed, so the stock market allows the creation of all offers regardless of already posted ones.
    • A rare bug was fixed that resulted in aircraft teleporting across the globe in case their flight path crossed a very specific line of the world map, located in the north and south pacific.
    • An issue with the construction queue was fixed that hid the option to queue additional building levels of an already queued building, in case units were also added to the list.
    • A rare bug was fixed that could cause the top ranked solo player on a map to be declared the winner and earn the respective rewards after a coalition gathered the required victory points to win at daychange.
  • Slyx

    Changed the title of the thread from “[S1914]” to “[S1914] Release Notes - 2021-08-04”.
    • Se corrigió un error poco común que podía hacer que el jugador en solitario mejor clasificado en un mapa fuera declarado ganador y obtuviera las recompensas respectivas después de que una coalición reuniera los puntos de victoria necesarios para ganar en el cambio de día.

    Una aclaración por favor: (Todos los datos son de ejemplo para cerciorarme de lo que yo comprendo por este párrafo)

    Quiere decir que si hay en el ranking tres jugadores individuales que ocupan la 1º plaza, 2º plaza y 3º plaza.

    Y una coalición de 10 jugadores, llega a los puntos de victoria del mapa. (los 10 jugadores no estan entre los 3 primeros)

    Cuando se reparten los premios serian así?

    1º jugador individual 7000 goldmark

    2º jugador individual 3600 goldmark

    3º jugador individual 2400 goldmark

    1º Coalicion 5000 goldmark

    2º Coalicion 2.250 goldmark

    3º Coalicion 850 Goldmark

    ?????????????????????????????????? gracias de antemano por la respuesta

  • Tendré que responder con el traductor de Google, ya que no hablo español con fluidez, espero que no te importe.

    En el caso de que describiste que cada miembro de la coalición (que ganó el mapa) obtendría 5000 marcos de oro, entonces el mejor jugador en solitario obtendría 3600 marcos de oro y el segundo mejor jugador en solitario obtendría 2400 marcos de oro.

    La clasificación depende únicamente del progreso relativo de la victoria y todos se miden de acuerdo con eso, independientemente de si se trata de una coalición o un jugador en solitario.

    Espero haber podido responder a sus preguntas y saludos cordiales,


  • Arcorian

    Closed the thread.