Allow Travel Off of Roads; Eliminate "Roads" in the Ocean

  • I am a relatively new user on S1914, but one of the most irksome aspects of the game so far is that you are restricted to moving on roads. For land units having roads makes sense of course and having them give a speed boost to units and an economic boost makes sense. However, not being able to move off of the roads is ridiculous. It is supremely unrealistic, it removes some important elements of strategy, and it is incredibly annoying as well. You should be able to more your units anywhere you want and just get a speed bonus from moving on the roads.

    Now as to navies . . . WHY IN THE WORLD are there invisible roads crisscrossing the ocean???? This makes no sense, greatly handicaps navies, and did I mention makes no sense?

    Anyway, this has been my rant about roads in Supremacy1914. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)

  • Yperman

    Approved the thread.