simple question regarding dis/embark:
Is there any difference in combat ability or unit strength if I command a unit stack which is currently Dis/embarking to attack an enemy?
Its kind of a weird Question but if there is no real difference i may have had the worst rng possible i guess.
Let me elaborate:
Game 1:
The Ai is attacking me with 3 infantry with about 60 morale - i defend with 13 infantry and 80+ morale while they are disembarking.
The result is i lost 3 infantry ...
This happened again with 2 Infantry vs 10 or 11 (morale being again in my favor) and i still lost 2 troops there.
I land on enemies coast with a 46 stack of 83 morale - it happened during the night so i didnt catch the exact dmg ticks but from the newspaper i could redo the math to 2 infantry stacks one with 6 and one with 4 melted my stack within 2 combat ticks down to 27 - while in return only losing 3 and 2 units themselves. I know there is a penalty for embarked units and combat efficiancy for larger stacks but then again see example from Game 1. I just want to make some sense of that because the range of possible rng is just meh ...
Is there any combat difference between attacking them and continue to disembark?
If i am not mistaken attacking them should delay the disembark action until the enemy stack is dead. Right?
Thanks for reading