that's it !
Some automatic bot exist on discord but i know nothing about them i don't know how they work so i don't even know if this is a realistic option
i guess this would not be a simple feature you create in 2 days and it would need some time and some work but ... still seems a really good idea to me

Supremacy 1914 - Mobile Release
Dude like told 2 more post you want to forbit alright tell how you forbit me from make a external chat?:) you make a opinion you make jokes that all. If show will forbit make a Facebook chat . Not a paragh in can read for myself if I want. Since this one Finally, the info spy have that "message cracking" feature read myself if intereted about spy. Read or put like copy past won't nothing great. I ask a question that not replay or mabye no paragraph to do?
Also input more capital farming or wolfpacking or multi-account I know 3 time can put paragraph here to since are missing , all 3 we're old forum and if were interest you have read rules. Know we're in the rules is forbitten external chat? you have nowhere it is. So no paragraph to copy and past it feels bad.
P.S. waste time replay if not answer my question.
Your question, for all that matters, was already answered with my second paragraph. Other than that, I think you are confusing an opinion from mine about some topic with me supposedly saying external chats is forbidden by rule (which I never said)
Bit late but still
The mobile version is working pretty ok.
Jsut one thing that I really miss in it: the "pin army" mode.
Is there any news regarding this matter?
- is it in the planning to be implemented?
- if it is, when can we expect it?
the other army modes are already really bad on a computerscreen, but on a phone or a tablet they are a disastour, pin mode would look so muc hbetter :p
I am a PC player and have little interest in the mobile platform. However recently every time I log the game I get a very annoying message insisting I should try the mobile app. After a while I realised this message was not going to go away so I clicked on the 'send link to phone' button. It then proudly informed me a link had been emailed. I never received any email, so in an attempt to rid myself of the increasingly annoying messages I logged the game on my phone (terrible experience and confirms my decision not to use that platform) and joy the message went away when I logged. The promised GM gift for accessing via phone was also never received.
Today the message returned in all it's annoying glory, once again I clicked on the option to send a link, once again no email has been received.
Please please give me an option to turn that message off forever, I will forgo the pitiful gift of GM as the irritation the message is causing is not worth that poultry amount. Add to that the fact the promised link is never sent it just adds to the impression of a company that no longer makes good on it's promises.
For me the decision has become very easy. When legacy is discontinued so will my game. I cannot bring myself to play the new mode, it is just too alien, like starting a new game and one I would not go back to after first impressions tell me its not a game I would like. The mobile platform for me is even worse, why would I chose to play on a 5" screen during my spare time when I have 2 x 30" monitors available to me on my PC .....
Jsut one thing that I really miss in it: the "pin army" mode.
Is there any news regarding this matter?
- is it in the planning to be implemented?
- if it is, when can we expect it?
I cannot share any specific date yet but I am positive that the pin mode will make it to mobile as well. In addition, we are working on a complete overhaul of the army representation to bring it more close to the 'legacy' version. We hope that this will considerably improve acceptance of the new map look.
I am a PC player and have little interest in the mobile platform. However recently every time I log the game I get a very annoying message insisting I should try the mobile app.
I am sorry to hear that you had troubles getting rid of the "play mobile" popup. Did you login with the same account on mobile? And did you check the spam folder of your email account? If your problems persist please submit a bug report on the matter.
yes I logged with same account and only today the message came back, still no email and my spam folder is empty