'Chatter's Invitational Speed round Sign Up'
Hello ladies and gents !
post is closed map is full please come and join us for the next one
Game number and password will be sent via mailbox to participants on launch day.
ALL participants were inserted into the game
The password will be scrambled after participants all enter.
If you are having any issue registering on the forum, or making a reply here, please report to SUPPORT !
--- This is a signup page for the 31p 1x speed The Great War map made for chatters and forum users. ---
Sign up was on first to reply, first to be added basis.
> Players will be added by replying in this topic
> Random country selection
> The round will be created on ''launch day'' when full/ready to go.
> Anti-cheat option will be enabled for the round, network players will not be able to take part.
> 2 days inactivity timer will be applied to this round for active players.
> The round will be set to 1x speed
> Goldmarks use will not be allowed and will result in removal*
I'm very pleased to help arrange this active round for the chatter and forum community.
1. Jallissa*
2. yoee*
3. kenn oath*
6.Onions Make Us Cry*
8. Vladimir Bhav*
9. DuhBruhTM*
10. Marechal Spinola III
13. Yoshow*
14. the Ungovernable*
15. emmerik bello
16. Thunderking778*
17. gumba*
18.south paw*
19.hastings tnt*
20 lord morgoth*
21. pinguzard*
24. flukeskywalker*
25. chinesexruler*
26. archon177*
28. binnsy*
29. Mofou97*
30, Addlecove*
31. kavemin*
32.zac the concourer
33 Aaravigula