I fixed it by adding a really over the top professional drawing as a picture :p
Ranked game (full)
wow MacDouwe!!! How much thousand (!) dollars have you spend for this???
I want to be in the next one!
6 players confirmed, 4 places remaining.
Update on game 1: getting to the finish line.
1 player is out already
2 players are around with 1 province left and looking for ways to NOT die first. Because the first person to die loses more ranking points
And then there is a 3 player "alliance' who will probably gang up on lonely britain
Changed the title of the thread from “Ranked game (similar to old Player League)” to “Ranked game (3 places remaining)”. -
Steveman6789 confirmed, 3 places remaining
I like this idea, and I'd like to join.
Update on game 1: getting to the finish line.
1 player is out already
2 players are around with 1 province left and looking for ways to NOT die first. Because the first person to die loses more ranking points
And then there is a 3 player "alliance' who will probably gang up on lonely britain
Well, now!!!!!
This is brilliant!
How about a post for every game that will allow us to know what is going on? Like the newspaper, but for the forum. Coalition creations, war/peace declarations, RoW , game abandon and "terminations"
well, if you volunteer to do this for game 2? :p
I guess position of General Secretary in Politburo ( Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Competitive Players Party of the Ranked Games Union) is free
Changed the title of the thread from “Ranked game (3 places remaining)” to “Ranked game (2 places remaining)”. -
King_Max confirmed, 2 places remaining
Changed the title of the thread from “Ranked game (2 places remaining)” to “Ranked game (1 place remaining)”. -
Demonaire confirmed, 1 open spot remaining
Changed the title of the thread from “Ranked game (1 place remaining)” to “Ranked game (full)”. -
Average13Joe confirmed, I will be creating the game shortly