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user: Dragons362

Chatter's map sign up page
sign me up pls
User: dnd80
Wants to sign up
I have already replied but apparently I have not been selected (even though it previously said I had) please could you re ad me: username is The Conqueror 67
I have already replied but apparently I have not been selected (even though it previously said I had) please could you re ad me: username is The Conqueror 67
I have decided not to extend an invitation to you, to join my map. sorry.
It's gonna be a blast.
Thank you for the opportunity chief!
I have decided not to extend an invitation to you, to join my map. sorry.
Why though? Have I done something wrong?
VItalstatistix is ready for duty.
I play by map position for allies. You never know where your friends on the map will turn up.
i think i can deduct your identity if we talked in game through your way of speaking
A fair fight? Sign me up! I warn you all, I'm used to fighting up hill Battles!
Hello, sign me up if possible.
username: mishala
Sign me up, please!
User: Shawdow357
Im here to test how long i can survive, Add me
I forgot to add , id : Dinkyempire
Been waiting for this, sign me up please.
User: srnick77
Hey guys!
I'm quite new to the game, but learnt a lot from chatting in the help channel, so I'd be down to join if you'll have me!
No better way to learn than to play with / against more experienced players
My username is JebbeJ, hope to see you on the battlefield!
Please sign up Lady Caroline TY TY
And the map is complete.
For those that have never before played a chatter's map, I hope you find it refreshing. The idea for these maps goes back into the early history of Bytro's Supremacy 1914, and I extend thanks to those that had a direct hand in resurrecting these games from the distant past.
The objective here is, and always has been, to learn and to teach. Do not be shy to tap on a shoulder and ask. There are all levels of skill here on these maps, and all will lend an ear and with luck, an army to aid you.
Best wishes. See you all on the battlefield.