• Why can't I create a speed game?? I absolutely can't stand 1x speed games. It takes, way too long and I get bored and quit playing. 4x games are perfect for me and keep me active and playing. Why would there be no option to create a speed game??? Why are speed games so rare and only in tutorials? Everyone leaves the tutorials in a day or 2. This couldn't be hard to add to the system so that we can create a speed game. Why is this not an option? Has there been any talk about allowing us to create games? I mean, I sometimes spend a lot of money when I play this game. By not having speed games frequently, I don't play nearly as much as I would!

  • Indeed, it would be great if the speed could be adjusted. Even with the 1914 Europe map, I think having this map at 10x speed, like the quick hits, could change the dynamics of challenge games a bit. However, there must be reasons why they don't allow the free creation of these maps, so we'll have to wait for the x4 events jaja. But if I'm not mistaken, a GO can create a game with that speed for you. I might be wrong, but if that's the case, I believe you would need a lot of people or coordinate with the alliances in your server to make the game worthwhile.