There is something not right with the mechanic of AIs in this event
1. first they do not give peace at all when there is a state of war between you and them. I have iceland waging war without fighting - it is like that since over 10 days when I quickly conquered denmark. I gave peace offer and nothing since 10 normal days = 20 in game days
2. involuntary I made a war with AI in at least 6 event maps out of 22 I played so it is around 30% of all maps I play. In general troops are moving towards province even if the province will rebel to AIs and this causes wars. Sometimes I am standing in a province of friend which rebeled. And even without movement form both sides war starts- it should not be like that if troops do not make contact and they are standing on top of each other because of this funyn rebel mechanic.
3. crazy at it seems for now - AIs are so mobile that it seems that someone is playing there . They are running everywhere , securing shores with troops, swimming across the sea, attacking in all directions, walking through other AIs flanking you in an empty provinces. I wanted to ask if these are GOs playing on this AI countries or do we have a new mechanic for otherwise dumb AIs? I also saw AI targeting my units standing in the middle of the way between their town and mine, and when I moved my units forward AI adjusted his march to stop closer so it was clear for me that AI was targeting my troops , not my town. What is happening to AI?