A confirmation Window for GM spending would be great as it would prevent Misspending of GMs.

Confirmation Window for GM spending.
I support this idea strongly, it's easy to misclick on phone.
but it is also the main reason to spend GMs so probably it will stay
easier IMHO would be to have switch on the left side of the screen changing between GM/GM free mode
It's no secret why it is the way is is. This is not a new request and unlikely to be the last. However as A LOT of money is raised through misclicks I doubt as a business Bytro want that to change.
Remember it's look after your profit first, customers second in the business world.
yep, but this is also a way how you lose clients who hope to find better business
I want to a confirmation Window for GM spending
this .my god i wasted at least 10k because of it
if it makes money, it makes money! lol we need servers to play on.
if it makes money, it makes money! lol we need servers to play on.
One might argue that's not really worth getting scammed.
Honestly it's a little humorous that this was "Added to the biglist of changes" in March of 2019 when I remember pretty clearly that this was already a huge topic back when I joined in 2011... forgotten all about that, huh?
It would probably be an issue that big spenders, who spend GM multiple times in a row to boost troops/buildings, would have to click dozens of confirmation windows to spend their currency.
It would probably be an issue that big spenders, who spend GM multiple times in a row to boost troops/buildings, would have to click dozens of confirmation windows to spend their currency.
Indeed. Anything that reduces the ease of availability could potentially hurt sales considering GM is primarily a convenience, shortcutting type feature.
GMs free graphic mod - you can switch between it and that New Look.
lets even connect it and GM free = Legacy
New look= GM options enabled
It would probably be an issue that big spenders, who spend GM multiple times in a row to boost troops/buildings, would have to click dozens of confirmation windows to spend their currency.
A "disable confirmation window for 15 minutes" checkbox would solve that issue.
I find it interesting i am being 'sold' the idea of GMs but if I buy GMs, they are not protected from user error and actually the system increases the likelihood of me wasting GMs (certain technical blips such as adding spies causes espionage window to scroll to the top - that is, if you accidentally double click, it can result in accidental GM wastage.)
I think, reasonable people will not buy GMs if they feel they are being scammed. And the lack of honesty from Devs/designers turned me away absolutely. I don't like being seen as a cash cow and I don't like being treated so. A confirmation window would make me feel respected as a customer/player.
That said, as long as a small minority of players spend shitloads on GMs - then the system works. And this is usually how these types of system operate. A small minority spend the most on the game. So In the end, I don't see the GM system as being aimed at me, so i don't really care if they fix it or not. I won't be buying GMs and that will not change. -
You got it, mate. There's enough people who don't care about any of this and will still spend uncontrollably. It's a disease but at least it's one that generates tax income I guess.
Personally I don't feel treated as a customer here at all, GMs or not, also extending to HC support. All community interaction by developers has apparently ceased entirely, there are almost no gameplay rules left that need any actual enforcing, bugs simply do not get fixed anymore, player suggestions are entirely ignored. Any update that comes out is superficial and seems like a "There, we did something" kinda play. This game is a money printer on autopilot for Bytro Labs now and that's about it.
Lost, I think the hierarchy is failing within Bytro. The frontline being Mods and GOs are beating their heads against a wall trying to deal with everything from Newbies not bothering to read any rules and asking the same question over and over to legitimate complaints or bug reports that seemingly never get fixed. The Devs are too busy coming up with "new ways" to increase gameplay (ergo get players spending) to even bother to fix the current product.
What you're seeing is the evolution of software. Remember back when someone like Microsoft would test a product or OS for many months with Beta testers BEFORE releasing it for sale? NOW they get it out there as quick as possible and use the unsuspecting public as their Beta testers. Same thing here with Bytro.
Lost, I think the hierarchy is failing within Bytro. The frontline being Mods and GOs are beating their heads against a wall
I now as former team member can also approve this message. Bytro doesn't want such confirmation button why is even for the mods a huge question mark all other games have it basically... and the **** of wanting to keep it easy for heavy users? we all know all those other games have some sort of setting to disale such question... The real question might be whhy doesn't bytro want such button
Yeah I'm certainly not trying to bash any GO's or Mods who seem as frustrated as me. I mean stuff like this here makes it quite obvious what the business model is that the company is following. I guess I just never cease to be baffled by how openly they don't care.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I feel that a confirmation window would save a lot of frustration and help players keep their goldmark. On the other hand, I feel like it's important that we support the developers. Although I don't feel like in a way ripping your players off because of a miss-click is the best way to raise finance. My solution would be to have the confirmation window as a setting that can be toggled.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I feel that a confirmation window would save a lot of frustration and help players keep their goldmark. On the other hand, I feel like it's important that we support the developers. Although I don't feel like in a way ripping your players off because of a miss-click is the best way to raise finance. My solution would be to have the confirmation window as a setting that can be toggled.
That's a good proposal! Those who do not want to confirm, can toggle that off, the others can safe their GM and not loose it be accident.