Posts by Geden


    Attention, General!

    We’ve adjusted the defensive behavior of stealth units. Stealth units stationed in a province center were able to get locked into combat with attacking armies, without being revealed in the process. To avoid this confusing situation stationary, defending stealth units are always revealed to the attacker. This happens regardless of whether they are stationed in a province center, or part of a larger army with other, visible units.

    We also fixed an issue that caused the health bar in the unit label to display a higher amount of hitpoints than actually available. Now the health bar will accurately reflect the hitpoint-value displayed in the Army Bar.
    And finally, the message notification icon for the alliance chat will now display the correct number of new messages.

    For a closer look at the changes please check out the detailed list of updates and share your feedback with us on the forums and our Discord server.

    Best of luck General,
    Your Bytro Team