I have already replied but apparently I have not been selected (even though it previously said I had) please could you re ad me: username is The Conqueror 67
I have decided not to extend an invitation to you, to join my map. sorry.
I have already replied but apparently I have not been selected (even though it previously said I had) please could you re ad me: username is The Conqueror 67
I have decided not to extend an invitation to you, to join my map. sorry.
'Chatter's Invitational round Sign Up'
Hello ladies and gents !
Please reply below to add your name to the sign-up.
~~~ Launch day Friday 26th 22:00 ~~~ UTC
Game number and password will be sent via mailbox to participants on launch day.
The password will be scrambled after participants all enter.
If you are having any issue registering on the forum, or making a reply here, please report to SUPPORT !
--- This is a signup page for the 31p The Great War map made for chatters and forum users. ---
Sign up was on first to reply, first to be added basis.
> Players will be added by reply in this topic
> Nation selection will be random.
> The round will be created on ''launch day'' when full / ready to go.
> Anti-cheat option will be enabled for the round , network players will not be able to take part.
> 2 days inactivity timer will be applied to this round for active players.
> The round will be set to standard speed
> The round will have an Annoymous player list in the game
> Goldmarks and booster card use will not be allowed and will result in removal*
I'm very pleased to help arrange this active round for the chatter and forum community.
This thread is here for sign-ups only , other replies will be deleted.
This round will be advertised via chatroom until it has been filled or is full enough to be started.
*Participants should be SURE to enable Goldmark confirmation in account settings, no claim of ''mistake'' will prevent removal.
I am signing them up because they don't have a forum account and they want to participate. They read the rules and they are active players. If nothing goes wrong, they'll join
thanks for this reassurance
Use to be you had to sign yourself up for these matches.
mmmm .. for reason: those that dont make effort to sign up are most often the ones that no show on launch day.
we are trusting ... people will join
howdy and hi all
in the last chatters several players seemed to forget that GM + booster checks are REAL and will be done.
it is sad when we have to remove peeps ... so keep in mind the no GM and no Boosters agreement is enforced
Chatters is live and peace period ended.
The round can no longer be entered.
Have fun all and look out for future invitationals to come !
Why are people signing up other people?
mod / staff may do this in cases of peeps that cant register + cant reply.. while they wait for the support to help them out.
Archon doesnt have that excuse :p
in your settings menu on PC
or the ''more'' tab on mobile
click the support request button there and give your map information and issue you need help with
Dont worry folks... about an odd loner that might be trying to get the password from you, without signing up here,
Dont worry at all.
before the start button is pressed the player list will be checked and ''corrected'' before the game starts,
all the accts and whispers to get this password... are a waste of that person's time.
I will rename this thread to prevent more confusion ...
more chatters maps will come !
if he hasn't contacted you already, Smerkin is trying to sign up.
also DevonLarett
ok at this late stage please have them check for mails from me. for password. they have to be random, [best i cant do buddy]
I am online just awake and awaiting an assist, from our illustrious GO team
The launch mails, will all go out with Game Number and Password as soon as our round is created by a GO
Hey, in the rules, networking players will not be permitted to play. What does that mean exactly?
This means the anti-cheat system will be enabled..
This is the default setting for all maps not created by a player.
have I got your correct account name here? to be able to add you into the map on friday ?
I will check back on this again. if enough people sign up. I will mail everyone in the list to see if still included.
if not the round wont be launched, for only a few.
this round is not lost, but we need to get more signups
The Launch Date will need to be set again [ soon] .
please help promote this signup.
Invitational map for chatter's Sign Up
Hello ladies and gents !
Please reply below to add your name to the sign-up.
~~~ launch Date + Time: TBD ~~~ UTC ?
Game number and password will be sent via mailbox to participants.
The password will be scrambled after participants all enter.
If you are having any issue registering on the forum, or making a reply here, please report to SUPPORT !
--- This is a signup page for the [ *map description* ] for chatters and forum users. ---
Sign up is on first to reply, first to be added basis.
> Players will be added by reply in this topic
> The round will be created on ''launch day'' when full / ready to go.
> Anti-cheat option will be enabled for the round , network players will not be able to take part.
> 2 days inactivity timer will be applied to this round for active players.
> Goldmarks use will not be allowed and will result in removal*
I'm very pleased to help arrange this active round for the chatter and forum community.
This thread is here for sign-ups only , other replies will be deleted.
This round will be advertised via chatroom until it has been filled or is full enough to be started.
*Participants should be SURE to enable Goldmark confirmation in account settings, no claim of ''mistake'' will prevent removal.