Giving subs the ability to attack neutral players would add an interesting new tactical/espionage aspect to the game, not to mention an additional layer of historical accuracy. In WWI, subs sank neutral cargo/civilian ships frequently; famously, the Lusitania.
It could be useful in situations where an opposing player is becoming a threat but you don't want to risk an open war with them yet. You can covertly hurt them a little-by-little by having your subs attack their sea-units without them knowing it's you. It adds a new level of risk to sending troops unprotected overseas, and makes players play 'detective' in trying to figure out who is sinking their ships.
- Submarines have the ability to attack neutral players' units in the sea, without triggering a war with that player.
- the subs' nationality will remain hidden during attacks. Their nationality will be revealed if the sub is defeated, or maybe, through a similar chance-roll system spies have at being caught.
- The feature can function like a new "Fire Control" setting, like "AGGRESSIVE," but exclusively for subs.