I can play. Username is KrazyPlayz
Posts by KrazyPlayz
I think the espionage list has a number of issues and is generally horrible to navigate. I think this is partly why hardly anyone uses spies, even though it's a great mechanic. Here are the main issues (not exhaustive):
1) If you are spying on someone with more than 20 provinces the list format becomes way too long to scroll.
2) Provinces are not listed in any particular order (Why not alphabetically?)
3) It is difficult to identify the actual spy reports among the province info, which consumes way too much space.
4) You can only click to go backward by Day of report. You cannot go forward to get back to the present day.
Here's my recommendation:
Change the report layout to look more like the provinces tab. You should be able to filter and sort similarly.
The best filter here would show only provinces where you have spies involved.
I've attached an example UI to demonstrate how this could look.
Obviously, 'Day' would be a filter and not a variable column of info, but you get the idea.
'Spy Effects' refers to the results of spy actions for that day.
Thanks for any thoughts, feedback, or engagement.
Yes, PLEASE! Countries in alphebetical order. Provinces of said countries in alphebetical order. On 500p maps it takes way to much time to see what your spies did, as you constantly have to scan for that 1/100 province that is randomly listed.
I think it is something that maybe bytro can consider for future events, but standard maps should be kept the same.
I believe it is total unit count, regardless if they're infantry or tanks.
Not sure if I am remembering right or making it up, but I also seem to remember forts having scaling hp per level, lv 1 has 1 hp, lv 2 gets 3hp resulting at lv 5 with 15 hp instead of the 2hp per level we have today. Can't remember if damage absorption was changed then.
I am fairly new to this game and is currently exploring the game's espionage and diplomatic side, and has noticed that you can intercept communications using intel spies. I wish to prevent other players from doing the same to me, nor my allies. So i thought of something that may prevent it (without using counter spies):
1. Deleting messages.
2. Only send messenges in coalition communication.
3. Only send messages in in-game chatrooms.
These are what i managed to figure out, but i dont know if which one of them will actually work, or if any of them is consider cheating. If you know, please share your knowledge with me.To my knowledge, deleting messages and using coalition messages does NOT prevent spy interception.
I personally would also like to see this. Would be a good change.
Except if that "latest technology" happens to be nothing but a pile of hot garbage.
(Side note before what's next: You had your resources bound by fixing a bug every six months? Until the update two days ago when you actually did that, I was seriously under the impression legacy mode was considered unsupported ever since the new UI came out. Whatever "support" you did offer was not really notable to a player, at least to this one.)
This post is going to go down to you guys as "Salty 'cause things are changing", I know that, I know I can't change that fact no matter how I phrase this. I don't care. But I want the record to show that it's not the fact that the UI will change in general. I'm not even gonna disagree with the notion that it desperately needed at least a little modernization. I'd certainly love it if we had a new, more modern UI that retained the features that set the old one apart from the slew of free2play RTS games out there. It did not though and it failed doing so to a point where you have to wonder whether you wanted this game to become more generic and less of a uniquely enjoyable experience or you really spent not a single bit more of an effort on it than was absolutely required to have a "working" release at some point.
I don't think it's worth going into the details. When the new UI rolled out two years ago, near immediately pepole pointed out the ways in which it is inferiour from a gameplay perspective to the old one and have been doing so since. You did not care. You did not show any effort to improve the playability of the new UI since its launch by adressing any core issues and complaints. You've been putting out updates that nobody asked for ever since while players were either confining themselves to legacy or straight up leaving because their feedback on the new UI was being ignored. The actual act of playing the game and being able to do so with utmost possible ease has seemingly become a mere side notion to Bytro. The way it appears on the app store real edgy and modern so it gets kids hard over the gritty WW1 game is the main game now. You're free to make that business choice, I know. And as you did, Supremacy 1914 New UI is a worse game than Supremacy 1914 Legacy Design is. Easier to market maybe, but much worse to play.
You chose to have it this way by rolling out this behemoth of a UI and then ignoring the feedback you've even asked for on several occasions. The major ailments that plague playability are there still. If you want me to show you what I mean, I'll come back and post the kinds of screenshots that have been posted dozens of time. I can even throw in some more that quite clearly show how little "love" and attention to detail even went into the main driver of the new UI, the visuals. They are sloppily made, they overlap when they shouldn't, they clip when they shouldn't, they obscure information. All of this has been pointed out and no apparent effort was made by devs to change any of that. And quite honestly I haven't been keen of supporting this business decision with my playing the game for a while, but at least it was still in basic principle the game I grew to love over nine years of playing and supporting it, so the fun of playing it beat out the fact that I consider many doings of the company behind it to be extremely unprofessional, uninterested, uninspired and very loveless.
Of course this edges me more simply because I know of a time around here when it wasn't quite like that, when some of the people who had actually poured their blood and tears into making the game what it went on to become were still around and had a genuine relationship with their creation, and new players simply won't. They will just keep joining to find a now very generic game managed by a company that doesn't even care enough to document the updates they do to it properly. Nothing suprising in today's market so I'm afraid you might even get away with it. You've been getting away with it just fine recently from what I hear. Supposedly the game is in its most successful year ever with there being about 10 active members of the community left and everony else just kinda playing. Yeah I know, forum posts don't make you any money, players who want to get involved and help development with bug reports and suchlike don't either, they're just a hassle to you at this point. I get it, don't worry.
I know that fixing the new UI to be as efficient and convenient as Legacy while still looking modern would at this point be quite a bit more work than a spitshine, which is an amount of work nobody could realistically expect this particular company to invest into this game at this point. I know it would come with the damning implication that Bytro made mistakes when designing it the first place, which is a thing I don't think the company will have.
/boomer rant
I hope I can finish at least a few of the games I'm still in and from then, it's just gonna be the memories for me. Memories of nine years of playing, admittedly on and off, seeing the game and the community evolve and devolve, playing with a HC membership while eating nothing but butter on pasta for a week during my college days. Memories of the single one free to play game that has ever captivated me, the single one RTS that had a UI so intuitive, readable, no-nonsensically efficient I actually bothered to become decent at using it. I've reported bugs and issues countless times, I've been a frontline pioneer, I've been among the five people actually helping newbies in the Help chat whenever I've been playing during the last two or three years, answering the same stupid questions over and over again that could have been answered in a tutorial or a manual that is more readily available to new players. Afterall there was absolutely no reason for me to help these guys play and thereby support a game that apparently did not manage to teach them even the most basic mechanics on how it works, which also ain't no failure of mine. But I felt for some reason invested in this game I love and for some reason still wanted it to be the same awesome experience it used to be for me for other players, wanted to help improve it. This is gonna sound pathetic but this game really meant something to me over those nine years. The way this new UI was designed with so little care for detail or gameplay in general actually kinda hurt me. It would have been nice to at least get the decade full but since clearly the new UI will not be overhauled to become attractive to me for the same reasons the old one was, that won't happen. It could probably already be as good if player feedback on it had been taken seriously.
But it remains a pile of hot garbage to this day. Unless a miracle happens and it becomes a gameplay experience like Legacy with the visual appeal of a more modern game before January for some reason, this is farewell. And I guess it was at least nice to have this thread here to get all of that in before it's over. Knowing I'll leave again soon, this time to not return like I always have before is actually hitting me in the feels.
I agree you'd have to be insane to read all of that.
Oh and by the way: Thanks for the super early heads up about this. It ain't like many games typically take longer than two and a half months. Thanks a whole bunch.
What that guy said, but how about discontinuing support for legacy mode when the new mode can actually be considered an upgrade.
The correct answer is already posted, if you dispute that, why not post something that shows how you see it different? Stop playing games where you pretend/think you have the answer but in a few days you'll either be wrong, change the question or post that the correct answer was already stated. You've already edited the original post 3 times (including changing the timeline which is annoying) how about you explain the point you're trying to make since virtually everyone who has bothered to read this has already pointed to the same simple math. If we're not understanding what you're asking please add to the conversation not just bump the thread with inane nonsense and edit the original post to move back the day where you "shine down your radiant intelligence and enlighten the little people".
Do you want to stop embarrassing yourself? No one's even taking you on
Do you mean that double resource provinces produce infs and cavs twice faster?
They produce infantry twice as fast, but produce cavalry at the normal rate.