Posts by Grottenolm

    Hi, i realised that for exact planing of your battles, sometimes armies can in in the line of sight, espacially when you are attacking from north to south. there the finetuning of artillery and other forces can be tricky, when you need to arrange them correctly, but for example, an enemy unit is in line of sight. therefore i would add a button to the right menu to hide single armys so that only the dot remains. and to make sure, that no one forgets to show them again, i would let them snap back after a min or so. what do you think? hallo, mir ist auifgefallen, dass wenn man von nord nach süd angreift die Feinabstimmung zwischen ari und anderen einheiten sehr schwierig werden kann, wenn z.b. eine feindliche armee im sichtfeld steht. darum würde ich vorschlagen, dass ein button im rechten menü eingeführt wird, mit dem man einzelne armeen - auch feindliche-so ausblenden kann, dass nurnoch der punkt da ist. damit niemand vergisst seine feinde wieder einzublenden würde ich die einstellung nach einer minute wiedersich wieder automatisch zurückstellen lassen. was meint ihr? euer Grot PS: still don't see what i am typing / ich sehe ncoiht was ich schreibe, wer fehler findet darf sie behalten :D

    Hi, as i first started to play this game i thought the balloon was a zeppelin and wondered, why it has to embarque when going naval. as i was informed by Dr.Schnaps i thought it was strange that there was no zeppelin in this game, where they had their big time in this war. It braught me to the following: 1. Balloon: buildable with workshop 2 and air sew an balloon you don't need a factory in my eyes. rest same as atm 2. zeppelin: buildable with factory 1 and airfield, costs: 1000 iron, 3000 wood, 4000 gas, 20000 money. stats: ground at 1,5 def 1,5, air at 1 def 1, buildings ar 2, def 2 HP 2 something about that... what do you think? best, grot PS: i still dont see what im typing

    Hi, I realised that when an artillary layes siege to a target, and another army , for example a cruiser begins to fire at it, it still remains on targeting the first given target instead of changing the target to the new threat. maybe this could be solved by changing the unit into agressive mode, but this brings other disadvantages with it, so that this is seldomly used. I would like to propose that the unit first of all tryes to stay alive before it tryes to stick on the order given. therefore it would be good to first return fire before it kills the given target. what do you think? greeting Gr0tten0lm PS: in the steam browser you don't see what you are typing in this textfield when usiing steam , xept you mark it with the mouse or crtl +a , please solve this fist ;) so my typing might be bad.