and we celebrate
Posts by buck buck nowie
Ok friend, now you and your allies are strong enough to use 20-30 spies to sabotage countries right? I tried this too, but why waste money on spies to do some kind of sabotage to just sometimes wasting your money and making reports that rubbish?
Espoinage spies have 3 kinds, intelligence, economic, military; all I want to say is that although I agree with the laws that you suggested, counter spies are effective too espeically if you have many spies in that region, they will pick them up one by one. For me, I always put 1 counter spy in my capitol to prevent other spies from taking my information.
For the recruiting thing, It might be possible for the nation to contact spies in that nation you want to put your spy in or, recruit spies in that specific nation. The game might just work in this way. This isn't such historical game. How that you say that we should all have spies in other nations at start of the game due to historical and realistic reasons?
If everyone built facs at the first day than it might be unfair to those whom have less GM or don't have enough resources to build factories, so, what bytro did is very considerate for players both in speed maps or in normal maps; it gives more time for players to learn and play happily with a no factory enviorment
love suberb bytro
How I buck
I cannot load in the server and it says it has a error (502)
Are the servers down?
Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
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Buck Buck mythology
Report the player then
is he still sending articles?
wow great idea
Bytro's buck buck
All now bucking
and with bucks
Take Bytro down
legacy mode packs
Bytro legacy mode
and buck along
Any moderator?
I have joined many games since my first game on march and I hate the fact that Infrantry or other forces that are on land can destroy Ships(but not subs), like one time my cruiser was destroyed due to a stack of land forces and I hate it. I do not now why land forces can destroy cruisers and battleships in general.
First, land forces in nowadays and even in the WW1 and WW2do not use land forces to attack ships as it is like going to a suicide mission with a very low chance of survival.
Second, land forces can't just finish all the seamen on the ship and then blow up the ship and just go on their own ships again. It is nonsense as I have never seen as in nearby history anything like sending a group of troops to destroy the ships, this is totally logical and the Moderators should have just thought of it and shouldn't they improve it?
Third, other Bytro games such as Call of war, Call of Nations, or maybe S1, troops can't destroy the ships when they are on sea against them (or have a 0.1% chance), this makes the game acceptable, as troops wont get a chance to get near the ships as convoys. I also don't expect them to wave their swords and guns, use a machine gun on a transport ship to shoot against the Enemy navy ship and then board it and fight? No, nothing happens like this in WW1 as this is totally unacceptable!
At last, I hope that Bytro can improve this bug? or should I say unlogical thinking system in S1914; I hope that this problem can be solved as it has made many players lose their ships.
Thanks and have a good day!
I really wanna play legacy mode too but I do not have access to it