Posts by slanets

    I mean, you can play as an independent Ukrainian state Hetman (talking about the great war scenario, i'm at the wrong forum then, ain't i?), I've thought that's idependent enough to have our own names.

    And yes, I was talking about the english writing.

    Noticed this at the first glance at this game's map. Ukrainian provinces have their names written in Russian. That doesn't make much sense, does it? I think they should be renamed to their native, ukrainian names.

    Киев > Київ (Kyiv)
    Харьков > Харків (Kharkiv)
    Подолия (doesn't make sense, it's Podolye even in russian) > Поділля (Podillya)
    Волыния (doesn't make sense, it's Volhyn in both russian and ukrainian) > Волинь (Volhyn)
    Кишинёв > Кішинів (Kishiniv)
    Чернигов > Чернігів (Chernihiv)