Posts by Walrus_3d 1914

    Also, morale should have NO EFFECT whatsoever on the building time of units. If you seize new territory, new construction and repairs of buildings would conceivably take longer, but if you seize a working factory you could crank out cars and tanks the same as the day before you walked in.

    The province morale is low because the population doesn't like you. Who's supposed to work at the factories and drive the armored cars if 75% of the population holds you in contempt?

    The problem isn't whether the working factories work at speed, it's the amount of damage done to captured buildings during the capture. An empty level 3 fortress that disappears when captured just wastes everyone's time.

    Its already unfair as it is, Players who played longer knows where the best spot on the map to grab resources to have a better advantage..

    I just want to point out that you consider "learning the hard way" an unfair advantage that favors veteran players.

    Second point, the resources are laid out so that it's possible to account for deficiencies by conquering neighbors. If the resources were shuffled, there would be no guarantee that you could even out your initial resource deficits.

    You're missing the fact that after A1's attack, A2 is facing a weakened D1.

    There is no kind of reasonable assessment that a military force in 1914 would have 85% of their rifles/guns pointed in only one direction, and would thus be unable to shoot at an enemy approaching from the rear. In a stack of 50 units, 30 of them aren't fully invested in the "frontal" attack, so they're necessarily able to defend against attacks from the sides and rear. Even in a stack of 20: 20000 men don't all shoot in the same direction at the same time.

    The percentage loss could more reasonably be up to 15%, maybe, maybe, but I believe the damage from previous combat already accounts for that.

    Y'all realize the original post was two years ago, yeah?

    At that time, recruiting offices showed the "total recruiting time", which would reflect the same info for double and single provinces, as well as the "time to next unit" which would accurately show that double provinces recruited at twice the speed, half the time.

    In the old mechanic, the maximum morale hit from war was -25, and the maximum corruption hit was 15%, for about 40. If that's your metric, I understand using -35 for Expansion. However.

    Veteran players very rarely engage in more than two wars at a time, and even if you're fighting a coalition all together, on the smaller maps that's only -15. Make the metric -30, not -40, with a maximum expansion penalty of -25. It would also be easier to explain if it flowed as follows:

    At 6% expansion, the penalty begins at -3, and adds 0.5 for every 1% expanded, capping at -25 for 50% of the total provinces. It'll hit harder at the beginning, but be much more manageable (and playable) in the end.

    An alternative solution would be for the capital effect to not only decrease the "distance from capital" penalty, but also to decrease the Expansion penalty, at a lower rate, say 50% of the distance penalty. This would effectively alleviate the majority of the expansion overage while maintaining the current Expansion calculation. Only the very distant provinces would receive the full Expansion penalty, and the provinces closer to home would experience better morale. I think this actually makes more sense to implement.

    Hear, hear!

    I play S1914 because I'm not interested in the research-based games. Research is a non-starter for me, and if it enters S1914, it'll be a game-ender.

    I'm here for the complication of logistics and combat, not the vagaries of picking the wrong research thread and being unable to compete with a better research strategy. Leave research in the other games.

    The only way to target the city is to give the attack order before you can see the troops. Otherwise, the artillery will always target the unit. Alternative option is to give the artillery a stop order when they get within range of the city, so if units leave, the artillery won't follow them away.

    Yes, infantry morale matches province morale. It will only rise to 100% if the province morale is 100%, and it can take a week or more to get there.

    Combine your weaker units with stronger units to average or morale losses.

    I've heard a rumor that cavalry are now considered over-powered, and are intended to have either their hit points or att/def reduced in a coming update. Any truth to that? If it is a plan, I would like to register an objection. I think they're perfect as they are.

    Is there a specific reason the workshop is now visible alongside the factory in the buildings list? Is there potential for a damaged workshop to prevent the construction of factory-relevant advanced units?

    I think the best implementation of a secondary capital would look as follows, off the top of my head. Feel free to tweak it.

    +5 morale in home province

    Decreases "distance from capital" penalty by adding its own distance-based morale factor, which alleviates up to 75% of the capital penalty for provinces that are within 1/2 of what would be a capital's effect range.
    If your capital is captured, the secondary capital immediately becomes the new Capital to mitigate morale loss at the next day change.

    Construction cost of a secondary capital should be equal to construction cost of a capital.
    Loss of a secondary capital province forfeits 1/4 of your silver to the captor and causes a 10% drop in province morale throughout the country (with a 5% morale boost to the captor).


    For 1/4 the cost of a new capital, you can transfer your capital to the secondary capital, making the former capital a secondary capital, to better manage country growth and prevent the loss of your primary capital in war.

    The advantage there is that you can start your first artillery before the beginning of day 10, so you get an extra few hours on the unit's construction. The relevance isn't just on day 8, 10, 12, etc, but further down the line, when you have your level 4 factories and are producing artillery faster than one per province per day.

    I saw no ranged units. Bombers are possible but there were 4 cruisers in one location and 5 artillery in another that were taken out in a span of a few hours. They would have had to have a large fleet of bombers to take out all of these and leave no evidence.

    What unit did the newspaper credit with destroying your ranged units?

    The split from within a fortress is easily done by giving half of the unit an attack order while keeping the other half idle.

    It doesn't decrease the strength of your attack, it actually increases it, since the attacking portion of the defenders are attacking without the fortress bonus.

    You can select multiple provinces on mobile as well. On the map, select a province, then tap&hold the next for 3 seconds. Continue to add provinces to the group until you have all the ones you need. You can give mass rally point, construction, and production orders that way. Mass espionage (like assigning groups of defensive spies) is not an option.

    Love the "winner takes all" approach.

    I'd like to see a 1 day AI peace period and whatever the maximum player peace period is. It would be interesting to see how development is handled if immediately taking territory isn't an option, but I'm not committed to that.

    Please sign me up, Walrus_3d