Posts by Hastings TNT


    Sorry not sure how to include Narmer the LION quote

    However, I play game using a cav/inf/arty rush and I can assure you that despite nothing being posted that units now die far faster than they did one month ago... e.g attacking 25 inf units same moral with 24 in +5 cav units, first thing I lost was 4 cav units, this is new , I used to have good attack with 1 cav unit per 10 inf units,

    Same thing is happening with arty units and with planes , as if the hit points have been cut in 1/2, they die too easy now

    I have no problem with adapting, I ask how might we adapt/compete other than dumping tons of GOLD into a map, and if we do dump gold into a map, what assurance do we have that 'what we spend our gold on' will not suddenly be 'nerfed' as the cav, arty and planes have recently been nerfed?

    Not to be a whine arse , but while all these changes are being implemented, I am still having issues with new BANNER mode which consistantly shows other countries armies when I am clicking on my own armies, also the Build Que for High Command is blinking in and out, e.g >a coal resource province has no option to build a railroad... IMHO... the Priority should be to fix the day to day errors rather than re-vamping the system, the combination of changes along with daily issues in maps is discouraging...I will carry on and submit bug/reports to do my part to adapt and be a positive member of the community

    Thank you for attempting to make sense of what is going on Ed, personally I have never had anything bad to say about the staff which continue to put forth such a sincere effort to communicate with the backlash for what they had nothing to do with implementing... Demonaire also,,, you guys have a tough job, there are several other staff members which have unbelievable patience in these is appreciated...

    This is getting old, now ED is here about to lay the hammer down... point is very simple new rules have hurt the game, some of us here are helping, some are into role Playing, some are here to hunt down Gold Abusers, which was fun before all these new rules, no one is denouncing gold use BYTRO made lot of income from this hunting...

    How to fix some of these issues would be best topic... new rules will discourage several layers of players that do all the above for BYTRO, perhaps they are not recognized as volunteers, but daily application that is exactly what we all are

    who will lead us in this continued evolution?

    We now have to spawn in maps with our friends in strategic areas, pre planning whom will be in our coalition based on the resources we know we all need, I have already been doing something similar to this for purposes of control points in these maps...

    Elite AI has always been same, no big deal...declare war before you attack LOL

    The 'NO Trade units', is some knee jerk reaction to fix the different BUGS/exploits for instance> trading planes , constant attack of planes, some players know about this bug/exploit

    The rule about 1 day/3 day for coalition jumping will result in a banker in any given coalition and probably create friend packs in 2-3 coalitions operating within same map, seems that has been going on also.

    I am only interested in one thing, where is the balance how to level playing field, can limits be placed on gold use?

    1) How will I now be able to fight the Gold Abusers? For instance> they get new province and moments later have railroad, lvl4 factory, lvl 5 fort and golden Tanks and railguns that moments before was on fire ...HOW?

    Golden Frieza and I currently have a map in which we both have 20k x 1000 units easy enough to test this Bug under several scenario's (land/air/sea) to save data and to give screen shots... I have not heard Skopen mention mixing stacks as means to disburse damage, but seems someone mentioned multiple stacks are each individually doing defense damage against larger stack but still this does not explain the disparity in k/d also, splitting stacks is not supposed to make a difference as damage is capped at 50/40/30/etc...depending on the unit/mech involved in the melee....

    I am open to suggestions on how to properly document and reproduce this bug for purpose of future fairness in melee among players.

    I do not like the new changes, specifically of not trading units and limit on resources, you have totally eliminated some of us whom use diplomacy or lack of diplomacy to play the mercenary role in these maps... prior to these set of changes Bytro 'nerfed' cav and arty units...I agree, that these latest changes will force [players into early rapid expansion thru use of Gold and anyone not using gold will be swallowed up in the rush....

    I have witnessed other game sites do similar adjustments which push out the old garde players to bring in the cash cow new breed, , apparently this will now happen in S1914 via Bytro changes... what is more is that the term 'Bug Fix' seems geared only toward non-gold use strategies , any activity based bugs or gold use exploits like burning down airfields is not only termed as acceptable but is never fixed...Just my Opinion

    I am of opinion difference in exploit (bug) and 'feature' seems to be that a 'feature' is something you create with activity level of play, and is part of business plan where more activity creates more income for Bytro...this is smart business plan.

    Can I get Sckopen and Nemuritor to teach me some of these 'Tricks" I like to be in the loop ;)

    I have found this teleporting of AI does not happen when I am firing on 'Bot; City with range units, it only happens when I lock onto the city with Melee units and click attack,(I have done this only with Inf/cav units not with tanks)

    The Melee attack (inf / cav units) seems to be the trigger and this is the the moment of teleportation by AI units.