Posts by Slyx


    Attention, Generals!

    Today’s release introduces the option to manually adjust your graphics settings on mobile devices. This has the welcoming side effect of allowing desktop users to change their settings to a look more similar to the legacy mode of Supremacy 1914. The AI has been further tweaked in order to reduce the likelihood of mass declarations of war by AI nations against warmongering players. As always we got rid of some minor bugs to smoothen the overall gameplay experience.

    Please check out the list below for more details and a complete overview of today’s update:


    • A low graphics mode will be made available that reduces the visual quality of several assets within the game. Some visual effects will be disabled entirely. This will allow users with low-end systems to play the game more smoothly and experience less stutter, especially on 100/500 player maps. This mode will be active by default on low-end devices.
    • Still, mobile users will be able to freely choose which graphics setting they would like to use. If you don’t like the automatically applied mode you can always change it in the settings menu. Please be aware that choosing a more demanding setting than the automatically applied one may cause performance issues.
    • Desktop users will also be able to manually select “low” graphics in case they prefer a look more similar to the legacy mode of Supremacy 1914.
    • In accordance with popular user opinion we will adjust the AIs likelihood of declaring war on unpopular players. AI controlled nations will now be ~25% less likely to declare war. This will reduce situations where players will continuously receive new declarations of war after defeating AI nations, and not being able to recover once their popularity has dropped below a certain threshold.

    Bug fixes:

    • Previously the creation of the map “Tournament Island” led to an error which caused a black background to be shown instead of the actual map. This has now been fixed and the map has been made available again.
    • A bug that caused the chat window to immediately jump to the newest message as soon as one has been received has been fixed. You will now be able to read up on older chat messages without having to scroll back up multiple times if you are in an active conversation.
    • Several minor land connections have been fixed, as well as inconsistencies in the spelling of provinces.
    • In case a production building was partially damaged during an ongoing production the remaining production time was still displayed along with the option to speed up the process. While the production was stopped and the speed up was not clickable, this still caused some confusion and has been fixed.
    • A rare bug was fixed, that caused naval/embarked units to be able to traverse the borders of the map and be displayed slightly outside of the actual map.
    • In cases where enemy long range artillery units were positioned outside one’s own view range the bombardment indicator and animation were not displayed. This led to confusing situations where units took damage without a clear indication as to why it was happening. This is now fixed.

    We hope you’re happy with the content of today’s update. We included your feedback regarding the aggressiveness of AI nations, introduce the option to adjust your personal graphics setting on mobile devices and fixed minor bugs. We’re looking forward to your feedback for today’s changes.

    Best of luck General, now make ready to fight for global dominance!

    Your Bytro Team


    Attention, Generals!

    In today’s release we focus on a strategist's best friend: intelligence. The front report will now include more detailed information concerning the location of battles that took place and the suffered casualties. Furthermore the option to acquire High Command membership in the ingame shop has been made available on iOS devices. High Command provides handy tools like advanced fire control and the ability to queue construction projects that help a leader manage his nation in the most efficient way possible. Last but not least the AI has been tweaked so that mass declarations of war by the AI nations against warmongering players happen less often.

    Please check out the list below for more details and a complete overview of all changes in today’s update:


    • Due to popular demand the signaleer corps has been given general orders to double their efforts of providing detailed battle reports in order to provide their commanding officers with additional information. The front report will now include a list of units that were lost in battle as well as a button that will directly show the location where a battle took place at.
    • It is now possible to acquire a High Command membership in the shop on iOS.
    • The option to use landscape mode on tablets has been integrated into the game. From now on you can enjoy the comfort of larger tablet screens and touch screen commands both horizontally and vertically.


    • The aggressiveness of AI-controlled Nations has been adjusted. Some nations will preemptively react to military threats with hostile actions fairly soon, while others will keep neutral until military conflict is inevitable. This will result in less scenarios where a player will receive numerous declarations of war by AI opponents in a short amount of time.

    Bug fixes:

    • A display error has been fixed that provided incorrect information to players with High Command membership regarding the number of games that can be created per month. While the description has incorrectly stated the total number to be 1 game per month in actuality 5 games can be created by a player per month. Please note that games can only be created using a desktop client.
    • A bug has been fixed that caused the option of using arrow keys to cycle between provinces and armies to not work as intended.
    • An issue was resolved that could cause units to be displayed in front of resource icons, but behind other labels on the map. Resource icons are now correctly displayed in front of units, like other labels on the map.

    We hope you’re happy with our newest additions and bug fixes in order to help your efforts on the battlefield! Best of luck, general, now prove yourself on the battlefield!

    Your Bytro Team

    Hello afrikaneer72,

    thanks for pointing that out. I will forward it and make sure battleships get the amount of love they deserve.


    Attention, Generals!

    With today’s release we fix small bugs and improve mobile responsiveness.

    Please check out the list below for more details and a complete overview of all changes in today’s update:


    • The ‘Split Army’ command has been reworked for mobile users and will now be much more convenient to use. Also, additional information about split off units will now be displayed to allow for better informed splitting decisions.
    • The responsiveness of the home screen and shop on mobile devices in general and tablets in particular was improved.
    • For desktop users the province panel will now display the maximum amount of resources and money a province can produce at 100% moral. This will help players to better understand which provinces will benefit the most from higher morale. This feature has already been made available to mobile users with the last patch.

    Bug Fixes:

    • An issue was solved that could cause the popup that appears after confirming a Gold transaction to be misplaced when a player tried to construct buildings with gold due to a lack of resources.
    • Players on mobile can now see the full list of nations another nation is at war with in the diplomacy section.

    We hope you’re happy with our newest additions and bug fixes in order to help your efforts on the battlefield! Best of luck general, now prove yourself on the battlefield!

    Your Bytro Team


    Attention, Generals!

    With today’s release we introduce a reworked version of the province list on mobile devices in the game that allows you to manage your empire in a way more efficient way.

    Please check out the list below for more details about the new province list on mobile and a complete overview of all changes in today’s update:


    • The Province List on mobile devices was reworked.
      • The province list allows sorting by attributes like “currently producing” (units), “currently building” (buildings), morale, name, or resource.
      • Clicking the province name in the list leads you to the province info popup.
      • Clicking the location icon let's you navigate to the respective province on the map.
    • When a building is damaged, the building icon in the province bar and province details screen now highlights the damage with a red tint and a ‘damaged’ icon.
    • Players on mobile can see the full list of nations another nation is at war with in the diplomacy section.
    • The option to post articles or send messages anonymously in the game was removed to reduce problematic content being shared in game rounds and improve overall game experience for players by not being exposed to such content.
    • The province details screen now displays the upkeep cost of the selected province on mobile devices. The resource overview now lists unit and province upkeep separately.
    • The responsiveness of panels in the game on mobile devices in general and tablets in particular was improved.
    • In user-generated game rounds, the default inactivity time of 5 days was reduced to 2. The default inactive time now matches that of system generated game rounds. This change only applies to game rounds created after today..
    • The game admin functionality in game scenarios was removed, as it was hardly ever used by players assigned as admin in a game round, or was often misused.

    Bug Fixes:

    • An issue on mobile devices was resolved that caused the offline indicator that informs players of a missing internet connection to stay visible on the display after the connection was restored.
    • A bug on mobile devices was fixed that could prevent selecting multiple provinces from working correctly. When adding additional provinces to a selected province, the newly added provinces are now highlighted correctly again and the multi army selection mode is no longer activated.

    We hope you like the changes and bug fixes of today’s release and wish you all the best on the battlefield.

    Your Bytro Team