Take a look at these screenshots of the unit icon on each version of the game:
Old version U.I:
New version zoomed-in U.I:
New Version zoomed-out U.I:
What I want to ask is, that is it possible to implement the same unit icon design of the old version (legacy mode) to the new version of the game? If not, then how come we cannot have that implemented?
Looking at the screenshots, we can see how simple and easier it is to identify a huge stack of units in the legacy mode compared with the new version of the game. The huge troop/unit design in the new version is too flashy and often is confusing to look at compared to the more simpler design of the legacy mode troop/unit design. The graphics of the land and the ocean is alright, I fancy that, but the troop/unit design is really what turns me off.
I am a legacy mode user, and I heard that legacy mode won't be staying for too long because it will be soon outdated. When the revamp update came, the legacy mode wasn't available yet and many of the old users were turned off on playing the game because of its too much flashiness. As a result, Bytro listened to the voices of the veteran users' who complained about this issue and implemented the legacy mode as an alternative. But for how long will it last?
I would like to hear what the community thinks about this. Please feel free to share your honest opinion about this topic.