Display MoreAfter returning to this game, I have noticed 2 things:
1. Morale mechanics have drastically changed, it is hard to know exactly what to do. There seems to be no single point for information about what is in control of Morale. The various tidbits i'm getting out there in the world are incomplete and likely out of date. What I can say for sure, is that the Morale and Influence displayed on the screen bears no resemblance to the final number.
2. Every province seems to be building +5 forts, AI players included. Does this mean that I need to spend minimum 10k Iron in every province where morale is important to me? Does the rail building add morale if it is disabled?
3. It is possible to have a healthy country, with no surrounding hostile nations (0 wars, coalition teams around me) and morale will tank; this tanks production; with no production of troops/cash/materiel there is no way to fix the morale. This includes putting 50+ players into the capital city to try and get it to climb into the 90's.
Please for the love of God, Release The Damn Code. I need a single, up to date, and accurate guide released by the developers which contains ALL relevant data points for morale.
You can hover over the morale info (lowercase 'i') and it will tell you the exact factors that affect that province's morale. You canals click on the province to open up all the info on the province and you will see al factors affecting province morale.
Look through the updates to see how buildings, expansion, neighbors, enemy neighbors, and enemy armies affect morale arithmetically.
You can know the current morale factors as well as how moves like building infrastructure, raising surrounding morale and eliminating enemy provinces will affect your province morale and be in complete control of it.