hello bytro, so when my zeplin is in flight and i redirect it to another target the zeplin instantly reapears back at the airstrip it left from. is this normal or a server meltdown/bug ????
Posts by fieldmarshalmodel
here we go again !!!!!1 so you fixed the endless load cycle on steam but it is now happening on my mobile !! is it just me or is your server melting down again ???
come on bytro, what is happening with the steam problem ?? its been nearly 2 days now.
to who it may concern, 1 of the players is accusing me of being a bully?? in the DE can you please look into it and sort it out !!!! thanks in advance
i take bytro is having issues with the server just now as there is lots of strange stuff going on in our game just now, surely i cant be the only 1 who has noticed ??!!!
can somebody from the bytro team please explain what has happened to the K/D counter that was on the army panels !!!!!
can somebody from the bytro team please explain what has happened to the unit K/D counter that was on the army panels !!!!!!!!
sign me up please
to whom it may concern, im 80 days into a game and when i logged in today i noticed that all the kills from railguns, artys, bombers and ships have been set to zero and when you kill a unit the kills are not registering !!!!!!!!!!! what is going on bytro ??????