Search for World in Flames it is 4x 100 map, Bytro usually announces Event maps when you do log in to account, Good Luck and Have Fun
Here is an example of a Capital Rush event map 4x 100 map
Search for World in Flames it is 4x 100 map, Bytro usually announces Event maps when you do log in to account, Good Luck and Have Fun
Here is an example of a Capital Rush event map 4x 100 map
different heros have different deployment times, some can only be deployed on certain days of map, 1,2,3 10 some take 24 hours after you reach the given day of deployment availability, yes also province must be 70% morale
Movement time is given when you move the unit this is correct time and correlates with unit type and morale, always slowest unit type movement speed dictates the stack movement speed, (you can split off slower units form stack)
100% movement speed is = to 80 % hitpoints/morale and drops down to 50% as your hitpoints /morlae drop
not sure what you speaking about with Newbies and premium account players,
easy solution stop watching the ads
Display MoreI this still valid. I heard that, in own province, infantry heal at 1/5 the difference between the province morale and their percentage health.
Some changes since 2020, but basically the same
Saving unit morale based on territory
- own territories : 1/5 between group moral and territory
e.g. group at 75%, territory at 25% -> after refresh group at 65%
- ally territories : 1/10 between group moral and 50%
e.g. group at 75% -> next refresh group at 72.5%
- hostile territories : 1/7 between group moral and 50%
e.g. group at 75% -> next refresh group at 71,43%
add that enemy group in a territory drop down moral on it, it's double better to do that if you cant go back on a good moral territory that you own
Hastings TNT # 11763503 please sign me up
Yes NWE was thrown away into the scrap yard, Bytro had a New CS who came in and apparently decided NWE was no longer profitable or somthing, They changed the name of Supremacy one to Tesla wars, then again changed name to Iron Order 1919, this is how they chose to use their budget as they cut out NWE
Far as I know there is no such option, but there are a couple ways for you to accomplish playing AI only
#1 create a personal map that is pass code protected and starts upon your entry, do not give pass code to anyone and you are guaranteed to only fight AI Bots for duration of map.
#2 Join the Dominion or Mesopotamia map scenario, and usually these maps all players go inactive and you are left fighting AI Bots
There might be some other ways to accomplish your desire to fight AI Bots , good luck
Bringing small groups or Lemmings into combat range aka splash damage range of 5km will cause units to initiate thier own attack rather than merging with the garrison, we used to go to diplomacy settings and change setting from war to trade embargo to get units into garrison, I read in some update that one party changing diplomacy setting is not valid manipulation after some recent update, design team is usually doing busy work with graphics, I am astonished to see them adding changes to game mechanics after cloning CoW and putting on CoW uniform for this alleged WW1 strategy game...
To compensate for the Hit points you can execute double attacks against your opponent if the supporting units have enough hit points to survive the initial damage, I have not tested this new udate so I wonder if merging units will get the fort deflection of damage?
My High command expired in February, the previous year that I paid for HC was $50 and in the midst of that year of HC Bytro changed /reduced the number of personal maps I could create from 5 reduced to 1 per month, ( zero Notification) and what is more when creating alliance maps my 1 game per month was used up, love the perks of HC but will never agree that it is financial benefit for Bytro to , now I question should I spend my hard earned money for HC , will Bytro simply change the terms of the purchase without notice again, part of the change of terms was changing name from High Command to Premium Account, basically continued grifting on Bytro part IMO
This suggestion is nearly as old as the game itself. It has never been considered in the past and I would not expect it to be in the future. The actions of the Bytro teams from a financial standpoint are not to offer subscription play, closed pay to play individual games or a standardized 'fee' to play on equal footings. Instead, they offer new pay to win tools: Cards. The money is the driving factor, as it is for most all businesses, but to criticize or bring about a threat of penalizing action against those that point out the obvious is like trying to stop your kid from seeing violence when attending a cage fight.
South Paw how is it possible you had your status as "retired Veteran" removed but you were able to keep your rank as Brigadier in the forum?
I would also like to have this tag as Retired Veteran removed from my status, makes me feel like an accomplice to the continued Grifting that Bytro is conducting.
Map is an Event map, and names are players s1914 name and possible User ID number for pre registration to play in the event map, same with Chatters maps you might have seen
as far as I know < Delete your Bytro account and the Forum account is deleted with it
no response, Bytro reduces personal map creations and then ignores community, same thing with Golden barrage badge
what is this teaser about, lease list these 3 big changes
I have been forced to download the app to play s1914, the browse will allow some basics on mobile or tablet , but you can not access stock market or newspaper , basically anything under the more tab is not available under browser or pc view when using mobil or tablet is lost and requires installing the app, not a big deal, us dinosaurs must adapt or go extinct, I should probably make a new alternate account with new emails to boost Bytro numbers LOL
* alliances are ran by alliance officers not by Bytro volunteers
You can accomplish your requests by creating a personal map and setting a pass code, assigning countries to each member of your alliance and have start of map set to start when full
each map varies, but when those players which are adept in manipulating the stock market are present in map, you get huge average unit cost swings, look around players profiles on map that might help you determine the drastic swings you are seeing
Yea I do not agree with guy about new version being unplayable, but Freezy comment comes with a knowledge that all the 10's of thousands playing do not have option and newbies never knew the simplicity of Legacy, with tactical armies or pin armies display, everyone was forced into this new UI and I would not be surprised if Bytro ultimately eliminates any support for PC version of game and only way to possibly play will be with multiple clicks on mobil / tablet device to do same exact thing you could do with a click and movement of a mouse... evolution , thanks for the years of fun and agony
B00M is my standard name
than collard greens