Was, ehm, interesting to send everyone a message :p
But got everyone with a mix of Forum & Supremacy website message
Have fun all
Was, ehm, interesting to send everyone a message :p
But got everyone with a mix of Forum & Supremacy website message
Have fun all
Ranking Game 2 will be created shortly
- Map = Europe 1914
- Pasword protected, will be sent to players. IF you do not find the pasword, contact "MacDouwe" asap!
- country selection = random
- no coalitions = of course people can "ally", but game will only end if standard non-coalition victory conditions are met
- game will start immediatly after game has been created, NOT when full
- 2 day peace period for Players & AI
Ranking Info:
- all players start at 500.
- all players invest a standard amount of points to start a game
- the higher you end, the more points you win back (see info picture g2)
- tip: in game one, the player who was ganged up on first, managed to end in 5th place by holding on to 1 icelandic province, securing him a lesser point loss then when he would have ended last
Players <=> Current Ranking
- malskaer <=> 494
- macdouwe <=> 515
- Icarusgr <=> new (500)
- PeshMeten <=> new (500)
- bobokil <=> new (500)
- CubeWarEmp2 <=> new (500)
- Steveman6789 <=> new (500)
- King_Max <=> new (500)
- Demonaire <=> new (500)
- Average13Joe <=> new (500)
Average13Joe confirmed, I will be creating the game shortly
nah, it is a wargame, so wht iswrong with backstabbing?
IF you backstab someone in a ranking, you can already predict what will happen next ranking game with the backstabber? :p Or maybe not. That is the fun part about a ranking
Nah, let's just say none of the players in the game were amused with the manner he used to ensure beign the first to be defeated.
Technically he did nothing wrong. Practically: if everyone justifiedly dislikes it, then you did something bloody annoying = unsportmanship behaviour.
Demonaire confirmed, 1 open spot remaining
Congratz to our first #1
Game results added
you don't have to convince me :p
convicne the united nations
or just get more of your countrymen to vote for independance next time?
I only explained how we fixed this discussion at the company where I work
Which is definatly not Bytro :p
because Scotland is officially a region of the UK?
<=> Liechtenstein is an independent nation
<=> American Samoa is officially consider themselves self-governing = dispute situation
<=> South Sandwhich Islands: same situation as American Samoa
<=> Falkland Islands= again, disputed territory
Scotland is technically not a disputed territory :p despite the elections to be or not to be independant :p
I would sum it up as: Scotland isn't allowed as an independent nation in the Olympic games either :p
being part of a global company, we fixed this in a very userfriendly manner:
every single person can adjust this in their own personal settings :p
because there are more standard formats on this planet.
For example:
I select format dd/mm/yyyy => i will see that
mikemike charlie selects dd/MONTH/yyyy => he will see that
RoteKatze select mm/dd/yy => he will see that
And also when we send eachother messages, if it is a system generated date, everyone only sees their personal preferred format
Same for time: hh/mm/ss <=> hh/mm <=> hours as AM/PM or just 0-24 or ...
Congratz Brammy for being the very first Leader in this ranking
Total Gametime = 34 days
1st place: bramptonhabs
2d place: MacDouwe
3d place: Tabaka77
4th place: malskaer
5th place: MeWoodson
6th place: Alexander Oxford
7th place: .vik. => Penalty of -10 Ranking Points will be applied for unsportmanship behaviour.
King_Max confirmed, 2 places remaining
IT is only difficult if you aim at implementing ALL of the above in one HUGE overhaul.
But in a step by step approach? one step at a time.
And after every step you can still decide it is not interesting enough to take the next step
Of course it is more fun if it is exactly the same as 'real life', but not important enough?
Do not fix what isn't broken?
It doesn't changes how players implement strategy, because players build their strategy on the available maps.
If the maps change, players would still build their strategy on the available maps.
AS a first step, WITHOUT possilibity to intercept trade, this looks a really strong addition to the game already
And not that hard to implement?
well, if you volunteer to do this for game 2? :p
Steveman6789 confirmed, 3 places remaining
Bit late but still
The mobile version is working pretty ok.
Jsut one thing that I really miss in it: the "pin army" mode.
Is there any news regarding this matter?
- is it in the planning to be implemented?
- if it is, when can we expect it?
the other army modes are already really bad on a computerscreen, but on a phone or a tablet they are a disastour, pin mode would look so muc hbetter :p