Posts by danjjj

    I have to say that the Coke analogy doesn't apply here. The Coca Cola company probably immediately saw in their market data how worse the adoption rates and revenues of the new coke were, and they had to react to them. The situation is exactly the opposite to S1914. S1914's main metrics all improved since we launched the revamp mode and made it the default 2 years ago. Before we launched the revamp mode there were even talks in the company to let S1914 slowly fade out because it was performing worse and worse and didn't meet today's standards anymore. But we decided to give it one more big shot and thus the Revamp was born. The metrics improved after we launched it. If we hadn't done that the game would have died already. Would you have prefered that? I know not everyone is a fan of the new graphics but perhaps it is better than no game at all, right? I can tell you that nowadays with the Revamp S1914 has the best metrics since its inception a decade ago. Most amount of active players, highest revenues. So it was all worth it. And this is not only coming from new users who leave the game after some days, I really have to disagree with the notion that this is our new playerbase. We still have alot of die-hard players and that is backed by metrics, the average account age is actually quite old for our user base. Plus, as I told earlier in this thread, since we deactivated the legacy mode last week we barely see any change in S1914's metrics.

    So yeah, while Coca Cola saw in their data that they made the wrong move and had to react, we are not seeing this in our data - to the contrary. We are making the game ready for the future and our data supports that. We have to constantly improve to stay relevant in today's gaming market. As I said earlier, we also try to incorporate your feedback where we can and you can indeed expect some improvements in the next weeks. I hope you hang in there and continue to provide us with feedback.

    maybe you haven't seen any changes because the old players still had games to play..

    I had four games.. now i only have a 500 (1th with 800 and more provinces) that i will finish and then i will go on break....

    and i will finish it unwillingly because i cannot manage it as i like to do. i use laptop and i don't use the mouse.. why don't you try to manage 500 provinces with touchpad if you have the invisible vertical scroll bar... whoever did this work must be a GENIUS...

    I repeat:

    let everyone try legacy for one week and see what they prefer...

    p.s. most of the new subscribers are multyaccount or people playing a few months...

    (sorry if english isn't correct)

    Danjjj N° 351 of the ranking

    it would be of much help to us in reading your feedback if it was in english :) thanks

    sorry i don't speak english very well...

    in short: legacy is a hundred times more understandable, huge images and it is not clear where the troops are (look the photo). in the legacy i use the "pins" and i had no problems....

    after 7 years i'll probably stop...

    goodbye, au revoir, addio, adìos....

    Feldmaresciallo Danjjj, italian player, E L 1 T 3 leader.

    Salve mi chiamo Danjjj player da fine agosto 2014 nel server italiano. Mi scuso, non conosco molto bene l'inglese per poter spiegare al meglio il mio punto di vista. Ho iniziato con la legacy e fino a poche ore fa ho sempre usato la legacy... Il salto all'ultima versione è stato abbastanza drammatico. Finirò le partite in corso e poi probabilmente prenderò una lunga pausa, forse definitiva... oltre a me lasceranno altri vecchi player che conosco e con cui ho condiviso molte battaglie, il che aumenta probabilmente la mia decisione di lasciare...

    Perchè preferivo la legacy?

    1000 volte + intuitivo, entri e subito capisci chi sei, dove sei, chi sono e dove sono il resto dei giocatori. non si ha problemi a capire dove sono le truppe e dove si muovono (io usavo la modalità con gli "spilli", ancora + precisa).

    Con la nuova versione c'è troppa confusione, le immagini delle truppe o dei mezzi occupano metà mappa rendendo di difficile comprensione dove si trovano le truppe, così come la descrizione delle armate sopra le truppe(troppo grande), se le lasci oscurano ancora di + la mappa, se le togli non si capisce + che armate siano.

    Se devo scegliere tra la giocabilità della legacy e un game più reale ma poco comprensibile vi dico:

    Ridateci la preistorica legacy e tenetevi il mare con le onde che non mi serve a nulla....
    vi posterò un immagine alquanto eloquente del mio pensiero..