Posts by South Paw

    recovery times:

    Hank (Infantry Hero): 3min mobilization and 36h recovery time

    Allenby (Cav hero): 12h mobilization and 72h Recovery

    Kangal (Armoured Car hero): 24h mobilization and 36h Recovery

    Georg Bruchmuller (arty hero): 12h mobilization and 96h recovery time (resurrection)

    Lawrence of Arabia: 2h mobilization and 48h Recovery

    Perhaps the time has come for a new leader if they wish to proceed this way, and introduce "Florence Nightingale" as such, allowing her presence in a province to increase unit HP recovery by a % of the damage. Her speed could be 150%, allowing her to cover many areas in short notice as well, or allow the construction of field hospitals.

    For starters, moderators do not and can not enter games as they do not have that ability. It requires a Smod or a GO to do that.
    If you have submitted a formal request for service, then those that have reviewed the request are qualified staff and will act in accordance to the Terms of Service and internal responsibilities and requirements. To simply pop off because you are being beaten, perhaps badly, is not the concern of the staff. Learn to play better. To suggest staff are doing things to your account that are beyond their ability, without any proof, or understanding as to how the system works, is degrading to those that attempt to help with such issues.
    Submit a formal request for service. If you need help, I will provide it as follows:

    You can report multi accounts at: [email protected]; what you need to list is 1. The name of the game is in the subject line. 2. The usernames/User ID of the players you'd like to report in your message. 3. The game ID at the end of your message.

    To report an issue in a game or game related:

    For mobile at the bottom right ''more'' button and then support request, for PC you can do that by clicking settings top right.

    There is also this:

    look up

    There are more than a few reasons that can happen. The first that comes to mind is rank requirements. Players need higher ranks to play more games and maps at a single time. The next is possible cache clutter (If on PC) and it can drain calculation ability away from non critical tasks. You need to occasionally clear it. If on Mobile, this happens with apps running in the back ground, again, using calculating powers that are needed for no critical things. Lastly is a bad gate way to the server itself, and usually that will come with a notice of such.
    Hope it helps, best wishes.

    From the official Discord for Supremacy 1914:

    freezy05/13/2024 6:32 AM

    Offensive damage is indeed not limited when you split them. But because each separate stack gets the full defense damage applied with every tick, offensive flowering for melee units is usually a bad idea as it leads to greater losses (for ranged units its fine because your ranged attacks do not trigger defense damage). I explained all of that in one of the pinned messages in the channel.


    Also FYI @Octavius (you kinda explained it yourself in the last post)

    You get maybe 5K max from a win. He would have to play more games than is allowed and win all of them for that to be true.

    Do you use Discord/ If not, I would suggest you alter that and sign up. In the official Supremacy 1914 Discord Server is a section specific for ideas and game change suggestions. THERE, I can assure you, ideas submitted are regularly reviewed by the Game Developers.

    And the map is complete.
    For those that have never before played a chatter's map, I hope you find it refreshing. The idea for these maps goes back into the early history of Bytro's Supremacy 1914, and I extend thanks to those that had a direct hand in resurrecting these games from the distant past.
    The objective here is, and always has been, to learn and to teach. Do not be shy to tap on a shoulder and ask. There are all levels of skill here on these maps, and all will lend an ear and with luck, an army to aid you.
    Best wishes. See you all on the battlefield.

    I made no friends at the time of my retirement. I have asked the same questions about my status here as well, I may as well poke a tiger in the eye than to receive just satisfaction. Although some of the provocation had departed from the current team, there are some that can not seem to get past the issue and simply be nice. So, I settle for those that know me to wave as we pass and comment with the knowledge and respect I carry with me both as former staff and as an experienced player.
    The river runs deep I'm afraid, and the loss is not mine, I assure you Hastings. I am retired and have tons of time and experience to offer.
    So just smile and wave my old friend.

    This suggestion is nearly as old as the game itself. It has never been considered in the past and I would not expect it to be in the future. The actions of the Bytro teams from a financial standpoint are not to offer subscription play, closed pay to play individual games or a standardized 'fee' to play on equal footings. Instead, they offer new pay to win tools: Cards. The money is the driving factor, as it is for most all businesses, but to criticize or bring about a threat of penalizing action against those that point out the obvious is like trying to stop your kid from seeing violence when attending a cage fight.

    Copper, a brief history for you since I started in Java and the responses to player concerns from Bytro.
    Moving from JAVA to HTML was understandable, as the security and the ability of the JAVA format was questionable. But we lost some of the finer control functions as a result. We could sneak artillery up by the second, not a 'guestimation' area.
    Moving off that format, to the current 'enhanced' graphics display, Bytro did allow a 'Legacy' format to be run along side it for those now accustomed to the older JAVA based style. Until they didn't.
    The Use of GOLDMARKS has always been a tit for tat argument, some, if not most, agree that the occasions where a whale was encountered was appropriate to allow continued free play on maps, as these encounters where usually confined to the larger 100 or 500 player maps and did not bother the community as much in the smaller maps. Until that changed and now we have 'cards' in place of GM.
    But WAIT. Not in place of it, along side it. And tempting to use on any map, as some of the cards are, you guessed it, now free.
    Well, except for the cards that would equalize the game. Units that when used en mass are game destroyers even more so than GM was.
    You could fight a whale through better tactics and use of the same units available. But no more. Buy these new units, or loose.
    So, that is where we are. Oh, but it is still free....... kind of. Maybe.

    Gold won in game, given as compensation or won from ads and games are not allowed to be used to assist allies to build or boost. I would assume it an ally this is with, as all GM can be used for your own purpose.