Hello, I'm having a serious issue. I'll try my best to explain as best as I can.
If I have uploaded something which I should not have, please mask it or let me know so I can make the necessary changes. I'm new here.
Problem :
I'm playing a dominion map (ID=6547681) with the rules as follows :
In one of my provinces : Zahwah, I had a level 2 fortress and 90%+ morale.
On 2nd January, Poland whom I had previous conquered their territory and was suppressed to stay in the starting province launched a counter-attack on me on Zahwah, which I had defended with my troops.
During that time, I had 35 infantries, railguns in north, east and west, I had some 3 artilleries as well and around 11 bombers up in the north in radius to attack.
As of today, I lost all the infantries and artillery, but you can still see the railguns, while bombers are still there.
After that I believe he stopped attacking. By this time, I had dropped down to half a level fortress and province having 35% morale. But this weird thing started to happen.
Whenever I would click on the units stacked in Zahwah province, the casualities numbers kept increasing day by day.
Case 1 : Rumania sending units to attack me?
So I would move more troops from other provinces to further fortify Zahwah so I could defend off future attacks, and each time I did this, I would re-upgrade my Fortress to level 1 again.
But those units decrease from say 25 numbers to 9 within a matter of hours, and my casualities kept increasing even though I was not being attacked. (It felt like the units that I was fortifying were turning into casuality numbers for no reason).
Every single time, My fortress would also drop down to half a level and the newspaper would say "Fortress in Zahwah has been damaged".
I wasn't being attacked so it didn't make sense how I was losing units. This kept on happening . As of today, I would have lost 200+ units for no reason.
I checked the newspaper everytime the casualities increased and in the section where it says "War with Rumania", my casualities figures increase by 30-40K each time while his remained same.
Even if he did launch an attack overnight, this would be impossible since I have railguns, bombers and artilleries in radius which would have at least dealt 1 unit damage at most, especially since I had superior military.
So him attacking me would be out of question, or so I thought.
Case 2 : Insufficient resources?
I thought insufficient resources could have been the problem, even though I had +ve wheat production per hour and although I had negative 220/hr fish, I had around 12K in stock so I should be good.
I thought maybe I should buy some wheat in stock (since infantries consume wheat), thats probably what is causing the problem, so I bought them - but still to no avail. My casuality numbers started to increase
Case 3 : Spying on my province to reduce morale?
I thought that province was beng spied upon. I knew spies can reduce morale, but I didn't know think they could flat out obliterate armies. So suspecting that, I have placed 2 counter-spies since 2 days but nothing found yet.
Case 4 : Goldmarking to reduce morale?
I thought he was Gming my province to reduce morale, so I spent around 2550 Goldmarks to increase province morale (850X3) by 30% (3X10%). So Zahwah's province morale had increase to 65%. But weird thing is, the morale is trending to rise to 73%, but it ended up decreasing instead to 55%.
But it decreased gradually (i.e. to 60% and then to 55%). So had he dropped it by 10% using GMing, it should have directly come down to 55% but I noticed it at 60%, so I don't believe he used GM to drop the morale.
Case 5 : Possible Bug?
So as of now, I let my entire units die in that province and when I checked the message it says it was destroyed by artilleries and railguns. Now I don't see any artilleries.
And This should not be possible since he cannot attack from his starting province, which I believe he is able to do.
So I'm starting to suspect that it could be a bug which is being exploited.
Would someone be able to look into this issue? If it is possible to see day-by-day or logs. I don't want to continuosly lose army with a railgun and artilleries and me not be able to do anything about it.