When are games ranked?

  • As there exists some confusion about this the crew wanted to make it clear once more when games are ranked and when they are not.

    For non-gold rounds (the "normal" maps) the rule is that these are ranked once 6 human players have joined and become active.
    For maps smaller than 6 players the rule is that these are ranked once all player slots are filled. (Currently Battle for Western Europe 4p and Mexico vs. USA 2p)
    Anti-cheat has to be enabled, otherwise the map is unranked.

    Some confusion might arise as a game can show eg. 8/10 slots filled while only 5 players have joined.

    This comes from the fact that the slots are calculated by remaining open, playable countries. If 5 human players have conquered 3 playable AI countries there are only 2 playable slots left, so the game will display 8/10 slots filled, while only 5 human players have joined and become active.
    This example game would count as 5 players, not 8, so it would be unranked.

    For gold rounds the rule is that these are ranked once 2 human players have joined and become active.

    For event maps with gold features the same rules apply as for non-gold rounds and 6 human players need to join and become active.

    Ribbons, medals and badges can only be gained on ranked maps.
    Experience for your player profile can only be gained on ranked maps.

    ⚡ If you speak Dutch, join our Blitzkrieg alliance!
    ⚡ Questions about the game? Have a look at the Game Manual.

    ⚡ Need game support? Send a ticket or contact the crew.
    ⚡ Need map info? Click here.