Lucien you beast
yeap I learned two very uefull tricks from them
very good guides
Sebi Sterta is not me, but he was at one point briefly mentioned in one of my threads that I do believe is still around, albeit probably outdated by now.
Lucien you beast
yeap I learned two very uefull tricks from them
very good guides
Sebi Sterta is not me, but he was at one point briefly mentioned in one of my threads that I do believe is still around, albeit probably outdated by now.
Thread Originally Posted by Tiberiania, 08-18-2013 & Edited by Alexiel Lucien 09-23-2018.
EDIT Note: Currently unfinished. It's 5:30 in the morning for me; I am going to sleep and when I return I shall finish this FAQ. There is plenty of information here for now, however, and I am sure you will learn a thing or ten. Chances are that you won't make it through the entire thing by the time I wake up anyways, seeing how long it is. And I sleep like 12 hours a day. =P
Table of Contents:
1. What if the Index of Power?
2. The Formula
Misconception 1. Army Size Matters
Note on Basic Points
3. Scenario 1: Applying the Formula
4. Scenario 2: Building Upgrades
Important Note
5. Scenario 3: Not Gaining Enough Points
Efficient Upgrades
6. Scenario 4: Morale Part 1
7. Scenario 5: Morale Part 2
8. Scenario 6: Multiple Provinces
999. Info About This FAQ + Other Misc. Details
Hai, Tibs here.
This FAQ is about the Index of Power (duh), the ranking system present in the DE that helps us evaluate the power of our opponents, and ultimately decide who wins the round. Despite being present in every game, I get the consensus that people don't really understand how the Index of Power ("IoP" from here on) calculates it's values, or how to improve your IoP score effectively. I'm going to do a step-by-step walk through of the IoP Formula so everyone can gain a better understanding, and maybe clarify some misconceptions along the way.
1. What is the Index of Power?
Simply put, the IoP shows you what percentage of the games Morale and Upgrades you control, except instead of being out of 100, the percentage is out of 2000 (Fun fact: If you want to know what percentage of the games morale and upgrades yo u have, divide your IoP points by 20). You gain basic points depending on how much morale your provinces have, and for building upgrades. Here's the formula for calculating your IoP points:
2. The Formula
Link to the original document of the formula: Here
Side Note: The weird 'E' is the Greek letter 'Σ', and is known as "sigma". Sigma is used in math to represent the Summation operation [Link to Wikipedia], but here it basically means "calculate the following number for every province (and on the bottom line, every province for every player), and add them all together." Don't worry, I'll go over it in detail.
Here's a text version that I will use later (You don't need to read/comprehend it)
IoP = [calculate the following for each province you own, and then add it together: ((16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise))] / [calculate the following for each province you own, and then add it together: [calculate the following for each province they own, and then add it together:
((16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise))]] * 2000
You'll notice that the formula looks a lot like:
The formula for calculating percent.
Except our formula is a lot more complicated. Still, it works the same, as we're measuring one player's points compared to everyone's points, and then multiplying by 2000 instead of 100.
Misconception 1: Army Size Matters
If you look at the formula, you'll see that there are only 3 factors that matter:
-Amount of provinces a player owns (And this is only an indirect factor, because it effects the following factor)
-Morale of each province
-Amount of upgrades one has built
It doesn't matter if you have an army size of 1 or 100.000, as army size has no (direct) effect on the IoP. Of course, having 100,000 units gives you a greater ability to take other provinces than having just 1.
Note on Basic Points:
In order to compare the strength of different nations, the game calculates numbers known as Basic Points for each province, of which the basic points are added and manipulated to calculate IoP. Basic points are calculated from the moral and amount of upgrades a province has using the following formula:
Basic points = (16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise)
You will note that this is the top (or bottom) half of the IoP equation, without the silly Summation Sigmas. I'm going to use basic points to simplify the IoP formula in to 2 simpler steps.
3. Scenario 1: Applying the Formula
Here's a pretend 1 vs 1 map. Let's calculate the IoP for both countries. In doing so, we'll explore some of the underlying features of the IoP formula.
(10 points to anyone who names the in-game names of these two provinces without having to check any of the Supremacy maps)
Red Player has the following province:
A - 70% morale - 0 upgrades
Blue Player has the following province:
B - 70% morale - 0 upgrades
The easiest way to start would be to calculate the basic points for each province:
Province A:
Basic points = (16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise)
Basic points = (16 * 70 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 70 < 98)
Basic points = 7.2
Province B:
Basic points = (16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise)
Basic points = (16 * 70 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 70 < 98)
Basic points = 7.2
Then, we use these numbers to calculate each player's IoP:
Player Red
IoP = Sum of Red's province's basic points / total of all province's basic points * 2000
IoP = basic points from A / (basic points from A + basic points from B) * 2000
IoP = 7.2 / (7.2 + 7.2) * 2000
IoP = 1000
Here, Red's IoP is exactly 1000, which makes sense because Red controls half of the provinces, and their province has the exact same amount of upgrades and exact same morale of Blue. Blue has exactly 1000 points too. I think you're smart enough to figure out why, so I don't need to explain it to you.
4. Scenario 2: Building Upgrades
Same map, but Blue spent GM to build a fort.
Red Player has the following province:
A - 70% morale - 0 upgrades
Blue Player has the following province:
B - 70% morale - 1 upgrade (level 1 fort)
Again, we calculate the points for each province. Note that every building, from Recruiting Offices to Harbours are equal to exactly 1 upgrade per level. A level 2 Workshop would count as as many upgrades as a 2 Harbours, and a level 4 Factory would count as as many upgrades as 6 Railways (2 upgrades from workshop, 4 from factory).
Province A:
Basic points = (16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise)
Basic points = (16 * 70 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 70 < 98)
Basic points = 7.2
Province B:
Basic points = (16 * province morale / 100) - 4 + (Number of Upgrades / 2) + (6 if morale is > 98, 0 otherwise)
Basic points = (16 * 70 / 100) - 4 + (1 / 2) + (0, because 70 < 98)
Basic points = 7.7
Note that the basic points for B have increased:
Player Red
IoP = Sum of Red's province's basic points / total of all province's basic points * 2000
IoP = basic points from A / (basic points from A + basic points from B) * 2000
IoP = 7.2 / (7.2 + 7.7) * 2000
IoP = ~966
Player Blue
IoP = Sum of Blue's province's basic points / total of all province's basic points * 2000
IoP = basic points from B / (basic points from A + basic points from B) * 2000
IoP = 7.7 / (7.2 + 7.7) * 2000
IoP = ~1034
First of all, note that by building a fort, Blue's IoP went up.
-=+=- IMPORTANT NOTE -=+=-
Secondly, note that as Blue's IoP went up, Red's IoP went down. By building a fort, Blue captured more basic points than Red, so Blue was entitled to more IoP points which came from Red. If you do not gain basic points faster than average,you will lose points on the IoP.
5. Scenario 3: Not Gaining Enough Points
Same map as above, but Red decided to one-up Blue by a level 2 fortress, whereas Blue responded by upgrading his fort to level 3.
[Lost attachment]
Red Player has the following province:
A - 70% morale - 2 upgrades (level 2 fort)
Blue Player has the following province:
B - 70% morale - 3 upgrades (level 3 fort)
Province A:
Basic points = (16 * 70 / 100) - 4 + (2 / 2) + (0, because 70 < 98)
Basic points = 8.2
Province B:
Basic points = (16 * 70 / 100) - 4 + (3 / 2) + (0, because 70 < 98)
Basic points = 8.7
Player Red
IoP = 8.2 / (8.2 + 8.7) * 2000
IoP = ~970
Player Blue
IoP = 8.7 / (8.2 + 8.7) * 2000
IoP = ~1030
5 fortress levels were built during this day, 2.5 per nation, for an average gain of 1.25 basic points. Red only built 2 fortresses (2 levels = 1 basic point) and only gained 1 basic point, which is below average, so Red lost points on the IoP even though they built quite a lot of upgrades.
-=+=- Efficient Upgrades -=+=-
If you build the following upgrades:
-Recruiting Office
-Aerodrome (GM and Air-Pack games only)
-Level 2 Barracks
-Level 4 Factory
-Level 5 Fortress
You will gain (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 5) = 17 upgrades = 8.5 basic points
Upgrade Cost (Iron + Lumber only) Cost (All Resources) Recruiting Office 500 500 Aerodrome 2000 4000 Harbour 10000 10000 Railway 8000 9000 Barracks 1500 3000 Workshop 1000 1500 Factory 5000 7500 Fortress 2000 2000
Recruiting Offices, Workshops, and Fortresses are all very cheap and efficient ways to boost IoP using upgrades. Instead of a paragraph of text comparing Forts and Workshops, have a chart:
Fortresses Cost less Cost more Requires oil Only requires iron Build very quickly Build slowly No boost to morale Boost to morale Only upgrades twice Upgrades 5 times Conclusion:
Best built at end-game, or whenever a fast boost to IoP is requiredConclusion:
Building forts is a more long-term strategy for maximising IoP
6. Scenario 4: Morale Part 1
Sorry about that, I seem to have described some fairly complex stuff without finishing off the basics. Luckily, morale has the same effect on basic points as upgrades; you simply substitute different morale values in to the formula.
Here, A has 75% morale, B has 50% morale.
[Lost attachment]
Red Player has the following province: A - 75% morale - 0 upgrades
Blue Player has the following province: B - 50% morale - 0 upgrades
Province A: Basic points = (16 * 75 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 75 < 98) = 8
Province B: Basic points = (16 * 50 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 50 < 98) = 4
Player Red IoP = 8 / (8 + 4) * 2000 = ~ 1333
Player Blue IoP = 4 / (8 + 4) * 2000 = ~ 667
Note that A has 50% more morale than B, but twice as many basic points. This is because the point in which one gets 0 points from morale is at 25%, not 0 percent. If you have less than 25% morale in a city, you actually lose basic points:
Green Player has the following province: C - 10% morale - 0 upgrades
Province C: Basic points = (16 * 10 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 10 < 98) = - 2.4
Even though you can have a negative amount of basic points, you can not go below 0 IoP points.
7. Scenario 5: Morale Part 2
Here, province A has 99% morale, and province B has 98% morale -- only a 1% difference in morale.
[Lost attachment]
Red Player has the following province: A - 99% morale - 0 upgrades
Blue Player has the following province: B - 98% morale - 0 upgrades
Province A: Basic points = (16 * 99 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (6, because 99 > 98) = 17.84
Province B: Basic points = (16 * 98 / 100) - 4 + (0 / 2) + (0, because 98 = 98) = 11.68
Player Red IoP = 17.84 / (17.84 + 11.68) * 2000 = ~ 1209
Player Blue IoP = 11.68 / (17.84 + 11.68) * 2000 = ~ 791
Reaching 99% or higher morale in a province gives you a bonus of 6 basic points to your total -- which is a pretty hefty bonus when you can only get 12 from morale and 8.5 (8 in non-GM or Air-Pa ck games). Because of this, upgrades that boost morale (Harbours, Railways, Forts, Factories) are very useful for maximising IoP points if you can push a province's morale to 100%. Again, due to their fast contruction times, morale boost, and low cost, fortresses prove excellent at maximising IoP points.
8. Scenario 6: Multiple Provinces
999. Info About This FAQ + Other Misc. Details
Current word count: ~2400
Hours spent writing: 6
Computer crashes directly caused by this document: 1
Congladurations for reaching the bottom~! Now go back up and actually read through the FAQ, instead of just scrollng down and hoping you see something interesting.
Greetings, everyone.
It is our firm belief that users should have the RIGHT to voice their concerns about the monetization model in Supremacy 1914.
In order to achieve increased transparency with YOU, I am delighted to announce that the company representatives have AGREED that users should have the RIGHT to voice constructive criticism against the monetization model, whether it be about HC ("High Command") or GM ("Goldmarks").
This leads to a number of concrete policies that must be followed as to ensure a civil discourse and though criticising the monetisation model is from this day forth permitted, it postulates that the following requirements are met:
With this said, I must emphasise the following:
We look forward to reading your comments.
South-East Asia
South-East Asia is a free and small map that can accomodate up to 15 players. Released after the Europe 1910 Historic map it was initially branded by the community as new and interesting, because the importance of naval and aerial dominance was brought to a whole new level.
The NPC countries on the map are: Dutch New Guinea, Korea, Java, Sinkiang, Ceylon, Bangladesh, Central China, Taiwan, Hainan, Inner Mongolia and Bhutan.
To be continued.
The Great War 31p
A free medium sized map that can accomodate up to 31 players with parts of North America, Africa, and Asia bordering the focal point of Europe. Nations are evenly balanced in production, strength, and resources, which is why it is regarded as the most beginner friendly map in all of Supremacy 1914. The key to survival and victory are strong alliances and logistical superiority in managing long supply lines.
The NPC countries on the map are: French West Africa, Newfoundland, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Bulgaria, Serbia, Syria, Perm Krai, Livonia, Astrakhan and Western Siberia. Note: Caucasus used to be called the Transcaucasian Federation.
Full sized map can be found: Here
Europe 1910 Historic
A smaller map with the historically correct borders of 1910. Nations differ in size and population which is the key for a province’s production. This map is especially well suited for scenario team mode playing Entente (Britain, France, Italy, Russia) against the Central Powers (German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria).
Europe 1910 Historic is a gold round that can accomodate up to 8 players. This map can only be played with the scenario teams as either the Entente (Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia) or the Central Powers (German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria).
The NPC countries on the map are: Spain, Morocco, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Rumania, Portugal, Serbia, Greece and Norway.
Full sized resource table can be found: Here
Europe 1914
Europe 1914 is a free and small map that can accomodate up to 10 players. Out of all maps it is the oldest and is widely considered to be popular in alliance games. Resources are unevenly distributed on the map and oil is a scarce.
Europe 1914 is the only map that can be played with all the three team modes, i.e. 'No Teams, Free Teams and Scenario Teams'. Whilst playing the map with the scenario teams it is to be noted that Denmark becomes a playable country in the neutral team.
The NPC countries on the map are: Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Greece, Belgium and Portugal. Denmark was included in the resource table, because it can be a playable nation.
Full sized map can be found: Here
Full sized resource table can be found: Here
QuoteIn Supremacy 1914 you become a leader of nation in the early 20th century with the ambitious goal of turning your nation into a player on the political stage forced to be reckoned with, be it an economic or military powerhouse. There are many different scenarios for you to play and prove your worth.
— Alexiel Lucien
Map Name: | Amount of Players: | Amount of Provinces: |
Europe 1914 | 10 | 163 |
Europe 1910 Historic | 8 | 163 |
The Great War | 31 | 367 |
South-East Asia | 15 | 188 |
South America 1914 | 10 | 117 |
Middle East 1914 | 30 | 393 |
Battle for Western Europe | 4 | 106 |
Mexico and USA 1914 | 2 | 36 |
World in flames | 85 | 820 |
Battle of the Balkans | 6 | 76 |
The Great War | 501 | 5071 |
Tournament Island | 10 | 226 |
World in flames | 100 | 1036 |
Alexiel Lucien: To be continued.
Unit Description: The infantry is the main land combat force and backbone of your army. They have the following capabilities:
Ground Units | Air Units | Naval Units | Infrastructural Targets | |
Attack Damage | 1.2 | N/A | ≈ 0.4 | 0.9 |
Defense Damage | 1.2 | 0.12 | ≈ 0.4 | N/A |
Table Source: 5.2 The units
Note: All the numbers in the table above as well as in the explanations below postulates 100% morale and 100% mobilisation.
Explanation for Ground Units: An infantry unit will do 1.2 in attack damage & defense damage against other ground units. This is the maximum amount of damage that an infantry unit can dish out on its own.
Explanation for Air Units: An infantry unit cannot attack air units as it can only defend itself. Therefore, its attack damage versus air units are non-existent within the table. It will on the other hand defend itself against air attacks with 10% of its defense damage, i.e. 1.2 * 0.10 = 0.12.
Explanation for Naval Units: When at sea the defense and attack damage of an infantry unit will only be 33% of what it would have had on land. It will as such do approximately 1.2 * 0.33 ≈ 0.4 against naval units when at sea. Your infantry can attack naval units from ground, provided those units are within range of your infantry. In which case, they will not suffer from the sea penalty.
Note: Contrary to popular belief infantry does have a small range from which they can open fire. More on that down below in the post.
Explanation for Infrastructural Targets: Infantry will damage enemy infrastructure by 0.9 and this is a separate damage that is dealt at the side of the attack damage that is dealt towards other ground units. Meaning, the presence of enemy infrastructure will not absorb the attack damage of your infantry that is dealt towards enemy ground units, which is a common misperception.
The speed of infantry is as following:
Territory: | Home territory | Foreign territory | Enemy territory | Sea |
Speed | 36 km/h | 25 km/h | 12.5 km/h | 21 km/h |
Railway Speed: | 90 km/h | 63 km/h | 31 km/h | N/A |
Table Source: 5.2 The units
Note: The table above postulates 100% mobilisation as the movement speed of a unit is determined by mobilisation.
As earlier mentioned infantry does have ranged capabilities. The range depend on the territory in which the infantry is stationed. You will find the range here in this table expressed in minutes and seconds:
Own Territory | Friendly Territory | Neutral Territory (Sea) | Enemy Territory |
8 minutes & 20 seconds | 11 minutes & 54 seconds | 14 minutes & 17 seconds | 23 minutes & 48 seconds |
Table Source: Here
Note: The table above postulates 100% mobilisation as unit speed is determined by mobilisation and unit speed was used to calculate these numbers that was later verified within the game by myself and a plethora of other people such as Meredin and
Land | Sea | |
Hitpoints: | 1 | 1 |
Table Source: 5.2 The units
Note: The table above postulates 100% morale, because morale is a percentage of the HP. It is impossible to have 1 HP without having 100% morale. The game will however round values and as such in the unit detail window an infantry unit with 99% morale may show up as having 1 HP - just to be clear.
Size Factors: | a0=1 | a5=0.3 | a15=0.1 | a40=0 |
Table Source: 5.2 The units
These size factors are telling us that the first 5 infantry units will contribute with 100% of their attack / defense damage to the stack, meaning there has been no loss of attack / defense damage that they contribute with to the stack.
However, they are also telling us that from unit nr. 6 to nr. 15 each additional infantry unit will only contribute with 0.3 or 30% of their attack / defense damage to the stack. In other words, there has been a loss of damage that they can contribute with to the stack and this tells us that not all units are operating at maximum efficiency anymore.
So we can see that 5 units will operate at 1 or 100% efficiency, 10 units will be able to operate at 0.3 or 30% efficiency and finally we can also see that 25 units will be able to operate at 0.1 or 10% efficiency.
This has been graphically illustrated in this attack damage table down below with red lines marking the transitioning to a new size factor:
Table Source: Here
Down below you have a graph summarising the data of the table along with a graphical explanation of what is happening in conjunction with a summary.
Graph Source: Here
09-27-2017 02:10 AM: Note
This was a community request.
09-27-2017 02:10 AM: Update
10-15-2017 06:59 PM: Update
10-28-2017 06:33 PM: Update
10-29-2017 07:25 PM: Update
02-20-2018 11:17 AM: Update
Note: Fighters and bombers will be included in a future update. Furthermore, the revolt table will also be updated in a future update.
03-12-2018 09:07 PM: Announcement
Most of the graphs within the spreadsheet have stopped working for no apparent reason. The issue is currently being investigated. Please be patient.
03-15-2018 05:24 PM: Announcement
The graphs should now be up and running again. Thank you for your patience.
04-11-2018 06:13 PM: Update
Added a 'Morale Influence: Neighbour' table to the spreadsheet in a tab of its own.
04-21-2018 01:01 PM: Update
06-13-2018 08:32 PM: Update:
06-15-2018 08:28 PM: Update
09-01-2018 03:26 AM: Announcement
In cooperation with NarmerTheLion, I am now pleased to provide all of you with a damage efficiency calculator based on the formula as presented in this thread right: Here
Link to the damage efficiency calculator: Here
Furthermore, in cooperation with NarmerTheLion, I am now pleased to provide all of you with a damage calculator based on the formula as presented in this thread right: Here
Link to the damage calculator: Here
09-18-2017 06:16 PM: Update: Loose Bird, Part I
For long many of you have had questions pertaining to aerial mechanics and their utilisation on the battlefield in Supremacy 1914. This will hopefully soon be a thing of the past as we have now as per community request allocated voluntary human resources that will serve as an integral part in the testing of aerial mechanics - for and by the community - to establish definite answers.
Question: Will patrolling aircraft from two mutually hostile nations initiate a dogfight, if their patrolling spheres overlap each other?
Definite answer: In order to initiate a dogfight with overlapping patrolling spheres, one must cover the center of the other sphere.
Note: Test sequence nr.1 was later on confirmed by test sequence nr.2. We can therefore establish this as a definite answer to our question.
Furthermore, please do take notice that this information will be added in the data sheet as soon as possible and a note will be made about it as always in this thread.
Stay tuned for part II!
08-05-2017 10:02 PM: Note
Side Note: Sea Morale Nullification Effect (SMNE) is the name given to the mechanic tested in the 'Aye aye, sir!' update on the bottom of the previous page of this thread.
08-03-2017 11:21 PM: Update: Aye aye, sir! [Results]
Our top technicians just confirmed that conclusive results about the testings just came in.
The test results is as follows:
- The morale of the infantry stacked with the battleship hasn't changed.
- The morale of the infantry stacked with the submarine hasn't changed.
- The morale of the infantry stacked with the light cruiser hasn't changed.
We can henceforth put an end to the myth that light cruisers does not negate the territorial part of the morale formula for organic units, when stacked with them at sea. We can therefore say beyond any reasonable doubt that all naval units negate the territorial part of the morale formula for organic units, if stacked with them at sea.
Please do take notice that this information will be added in the data sheet as soon as possible and a note will be made about it as always in this thread.
08-02-2017 06:27 PM: Update: Aye aye, sir!
When troops are at sea their morale gradually move towards 50% and stabilise there. However, if stacked with a ship things are a bit different. It negates the territorial part of the morale formula at sea and as such the morale of the troops should not be affected when stacked with a ship. It has however come to my attention that this might not always be the case, e.g. with light cruisers.
With this in mind I have in one of my test games launched an official testing of this mechanic. One battleship, one light cruiser and one submarine have been built and stacked with infantry, which is currently at 100% morale. Will it change?
Stay tuned for the results.
05-27-2017 12:01 AM: Update: A revolt table has been added to the sheet.
06-07-2017 09:13 PM: Update
07-05-2017 09:46 PM: Update
Rectification 10/07/2017: After a while of testing it is evident that the combat efficiency formula does not hold true. It has been removed.
07-13-2017 05:37 PM: Update
Good evening everyone.
It is time that the compiled data sheet I have created is released to the public as it was originally created with the intent to one day eradicate common misconceptions about the game mechanics. It was created to help and I reason that it would help far more people, if in the hands of the masses rather than being locked up somewhere, where only the privileged few whom have access to it can benefit of its content.
I would like to mention that the page will update itself whenever something has been updated in the document and that I will try to adjust the values of this document in accordance with changes in the game. It is a document under construction and as such you may see some excessive information here and there. Some things need to be verified still; but I am quite delighted to say that it is certainly better than nothing.
A special thank you goes to NarmerTheLion and the lab rats of mine for having actively assisted me in not only calculating and collecting data, but also for having inspired me to create a user friendly layout and hopefully it will be received as such. I wish that I would have more free time to continue on this document as I was having plans on including new formulas, strategies and tactics etc. to it. Unfortunately that have to wait until I have some free time and hopefully it will not take long for such a window of opportunity to present itself.
Currently there are a couple of formulas that I have made the active decision not to include in this document as I want to continue doing my research on them and the reason as to why I do not include them at the moment is that they may or may not be considered as highly game breaking as it has to do with damage deviation & battle calculation.
Here you have it ladies and gentlemen:
Compiled Data Sheet - Supremacy 1914
I wish you all a continued pleasant gaming experience.
d'Alexiel Lucien
Thread now available in Italian: Here
2017/11/04: Project on hold until further notice.
2018/02/20: Project online again.
2018/09/01: Project on hold until further notice.
Greetings, everyone.
In my fifth thread I explained 'Queue Damage Distribution Theory' – hereinafter referred to as “QDDT” – which is actually closely related to what I am going to go through in this thread about 'Sequential Damage Distribution Theory' – hereinafter referred to as “SDDT”.
QDDT and SDDT share some important similarities and differences:
As always it is best to pedagogically explain this by showing you an example of how SDDT works:
Suppose that we have 5 fighters with 100 HP each.
100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100
Now introduce 140 damage and we end up with this:
100 | 100 | 100 | 60 | X
The X denotes a destroyed fighter.
As you can see, we now have 3 fighters at full health plus 1 damaged fighter at 60 HP.
Therefore, our cumulative HP value is: 100+100+100+60 = 360 HP out of 400 possible since there are 4 units left in total and each is supposed to have 100 HP.
The condition of this unit therefore can be calculated by dividing 360 with 400, which will give you 0.9 or 90%, which is the condition of this stack and it is dragged down by that 1 damaged unit only.
Should that 1 damaged fighter unit be destroyed and there is no excessive damage to be distributed to the next one in line, then the condition of the fighters will go up to 100% again as there are no damaged fighters in the stack anymore.
* Note: SDDT does not explain all there is to know about damage distribution and as such more research will have to be done in order to explain how damage distribution works if there are more than one unit type involved. Imagine a scenario in which you have e.g. 50 tanks and 50 armoured cars. How will damage be allocated between these two unit types? Will it be 50/50? These are the questions that remain to be answered. Stay tuned for more information on how damage distribution work within Supremacy 1914.
Greetings, everyone.
Today I would like to delve into how some of the game mechanics have incremental properties, including, but not limited to, the construction of buildings and production of units, as well as other mechanical features. The scope of this thread will be to thoroughly explain the incremental properties of building construction and a consequential impact that it can have on unit production, which may explain some oddities that I am fairly certain many of you have been wondering at some point about.
In order to explain mechanical incrementality we need to have the health point values of buildings – hereinafter referred to as “HP” – that you may find in the manual within section 4.4 ‘The Buildings’: Here
Please do take notice of the fact that every building has a HP value and for demonstration purposes we are going to take a look at the airfield, also known as the aerodrome within the game, in the aforementioned section of the manual. You will find something that looks like this:
I have taken the liberty to mark out the HP of the building and its construction time, which we are going to need for this relatively simple calculation. Suppose we want to find out the earliest point that we can start using the aerodrome. In order to find out we simply take the construction time and divide it by our HP value to end up with the threshold value. We will end up with the following: 24/4 = 6.
This tells us that we can start using the aerodrome six hours into its construction, because every building has something called a threshold of existence. Once it passes that threshold, in our case 1 HP that will occur after 6 hours of construction, the system will count this building as existing and hence operational. Now there are some exceptions to this, e.g. barracks, which if below level one requires full HP (4 HP) to be operational and hence can be said to not have any incrementality. Barracks, if below level one, do not function when they are only partially constructed as opposed to buildings with incrementality. If above level one barracks does have incremental properties.
The following buildings can be said to have incremental properties: Harbour, fortress, workshop level 1+, barrack level 1+, factory, aerodrome and railway. This leaves the barrack level one as the only significant building that does not have any incremental properties. The workshop level one does not have any incrementality either, but it takes just a few seconds to construct and hence are insignificant.
Buildings with incremental properties that provides protection or enhance your production, e.g. a fortress or a railway, do so gradually as they are constructed. Since they have incremental properties we know that they do not have to be fully constructed in order to be operational. The level of protection or the level of production enhancement the fortress or railway will provide is entirely dependent on the HP values or the so-called thresholds of each respective building.
For example, it takes 24 hours to construct a fortress and it has 2 HP per level according to the manual. Therefore, we simply take 24 and divide it by 2 to find out the threshold value, i.e. the number of hours it takes for the building to pass each threshold. We end up with 24/2 = 12, so after 12 hours the fortress will have 1 HP out of 2 and thus be halfway through its construction. At this threshold level the fortress will provide the local garrison with a damage mitigation of 50% against all incoming damage.
At threshold 2 some 12 hours later, the fortress is fully constructed at level 1 and will now provide a damage mitigation of 67% and on it goes… The point here is to show that a fortress does not have to be fully constructed to provide a defensive bonus, but rather just be 12 hours into its construction and I also wanted to show that as we pass threshold by threshold the significance of the protection the fortress provides will gradually increase.
Now there are strategies involving the incrementality and one of them is about railways. It was first publicly described in this guide here by Sebi Sterta [fetched 2018-04-10], but has been known within the veteran part of the community since the days of Java. A railroad, also known as railway within the game, have 6 HP according to the manual and it has a construction time of 3 days (72 hours). So, we do the same thing that we have done all throughout this entire thread and divide the construction time by the amount of HP. We end up with 72/6 = 12, so we have a threshold value of 12 hours and that means every 12 hours the building will gain 1 more HP and pass a threshold, because HP equals threshold.
We know that it is has incremental properties and as such we know that it does not have to be fully constructed to provide its benefits. The benefits as shown with the fortress example will come gradually with each threshold or HP to be clear. We can construct the railway to 5 HP out of 6, which will take place after some 12*5 = 60 hours into construction. We will then have + 28% enhanced resource production provided by the railway, however, we do not have any consumption until we hit the last threshold of 6 HP (fully constructed railway).
Therefore, we can simply cancel the construction after 60 hours and enjoy the + 28% without having to pay any upkeep for the railway. Granted, this strategy does have some drawdowns such as the fact that we miss out on the speed bonus that a fully constructed railway provides and in addition to this we sacrifice 5 percentage points that would be added to the + 28% at the last threshold.
I think that we have talked enough about the incrementality of buildings. Suppose we want to know the impact that incrementality has on unit production in factories… Now this in particular can cause headache, but it does help explaining some oddities that you might have been wondering about, such as… How on Earth did a player get an artillery piece at day 12.6 without spending goldmarks? Is that even possible? Yes, it is indeed possible and it is the earliest a player can roll out an artillery piece from his / her factories without spending precious premium currency. Allow me to show you the beautiful reason why this happen.
As you might have noticed, I have taken the liberty of marking the relevant information for our case. It seems a bit harder than the things we have been doing earlier in this thread and it is, but it relies on the same concepts except that we are now focusing on how production time is affected by incrementality.
As seen in the print screen, each level has four thresholds and we can say that each time you go over one of these thresholds the production time of any unit you have in production simultaneously will consequentially decrease. Since it takes two days to upgrade the factory it is reasonable that we divide 48 hours with four to find out when the thresholds will take place and so we end up with 12 hours. Artillery is the main unit for our case and it takes four days (96 hours) to produce one with a level one factory according to section 5.2 ‘The Units’: Here
Now it is extremely hard to structure this properly in a formula, but what we can do is to break the entire process down to its smallest parts as seen in table below:
Every threshold that you pass over will accelerate the unit production a little bit. If you let a factory level one handle the production of the artillery piece, then it would have taken you 4 days. However, it takes just 2.6 days to produce said artillery piece when you simultaneously upgrade the factory from the start. You may begin your construction of a factory level one at day 8 and it takes 2 days to finish the construction, so you will not have a factory level one until day 10 unless you spend premium currency.
As soon as day 10 comes you place an artillery piece in production and upgrade the factory and keep on doing it (with no time inefficiency, meaning you upgrade the factory again the very second it finishes upgrading at change of day) until the artillery rolls out of there 2.6 days later. So, 10 days + 2.6 days = 12.6 days. If they have artillery earlier than that, then they are either going through the tutorial or they spent premium currency. The point that I want to make is that incrementality does affect unit production and you can use it to your advantage.
Greetings, everyone.
In my fourth thread I explained 'Dilution Theory', which is how merging two units can result in a lower condition and how to calculate it.
Today I would like to delve into how damage distribution work in this game. In the dilution theory thread I mentioned that this thread will base itself on the premise that if the dilution theory is true, then this theory will be true as well.
Simply put:
If dilution theory = true, then damage distribution theory = true.
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's begin.
As always I believe that the best way to explain things is by showing an example.
Suppose that you have say five infantry units and suppose that the HP of each unit is 100 for pedagogical purposes.
100, 100, 100, 100, 100 (HP)
Five units total
Cumulative HP value (500)
Average = 500/5 = 100
Now introduce e.g. 120 damage.
Since the damage exceeds the HP of 1 inf. it will destroy the first unit in line and then distribute the rest of the damage to the next unit, i.e. 20 damage distributed to the next inf. unit in the stack.
So we end up with this:
100, 100, 100, 80, X (HP)
X denotes a destroyed inf. unit in the stack.
We do however know that one inf. unit cannot have a different value in our stack since the dilution theory says that no unit in a stack can have a different value compared to another unit (provided they are not mechanical) of the same unit type in the same stack, therefore this means that the excess damage must be distributed evenly across all of the units in the stack.
So this means that we would end up with:
(Excess damage / number of surviving inf. units), or 20/4 = 5
100 - 5 = 95 HP
Cumulative HP value: 95 * 4 = 380
380/4 = 95
95, 95, 95, 95, X (HP)
As concluded every inf. unit will now have 95 HP or 95% condition.
* Note: The queue damage distribution theory has been confirmed by the company representatives, but it does not explain all there is to know about damage distribution and as such more research will have to be done in order to explain how damage distribution works if there are more than one unit type involved. Imagine a scenario in which you have e.g. 50 infantry and 50 cavalry. How will damage be allocated between these two unit types? Will it be 50/50? These are the questions that remain to be answered. Stay tuned for more information on how damage distribution work within Supremacy 1914.
** Note: Queue Damage Distribution Theory is only applicable on organic units. It is not applicable on mechanical units. Special thank you goes to Jkiller2911 for bringing this to my attention.