Posts by Xiru Missioneiro

    So English it is! ^^

    This is exactly my point. With that kind of “strategy”, the stops being about strategy and become something about how annoying and lifeless someone can be. The consequence is that the game itself become annoying.

    I say let us make Supremacy a game about coherent strategies always.

    The attached print screen is from a recent match in which a player is using a tactic to avoid artillery blast by simply detaching most of the troops. By doing so, the attacking artillery will now attack the smaller group of troops, protecting the main garrison. This is obviously a nonsense action since there is no military logic in attack a smaller garrison. It is not a bug or a glitch, but a loophole and in my point of view one that makes the game boring and extremely imbalanced because it rewards the ones that uses it and not the ones who is the strongest.

    My suggestion it to create a new function for the artilleries to "attack area", in which the attack will always be in the same spot. Other suggestion for the same subject is to chance de troops naming process. Today, if I have 100 troops and detach 99 of them, the 1 troop left will carry the previous name (ex: 11th infantry) and the 99 detached will be granted a new name. Therefore, if the artillery is aiming at the 11th infantry, it will keep aiming at the 11th artillery even after 99% of the troops left the regiment. So, my suggestion is to create a new logic for the name changing, maybe something like in order to keep the name the garrison should have more than 50% of the previously size.

    Anyway, that is the idea and most important a topic to be discussed and even more important find a reasonable solution.


    Xiru Missioneiro (Id 35933912)

    Serpentes_BR (SRPBR)

    PS: English is not my native language, so sorry for any misspell or incoherent sentence.