Posts by tajou
Overwhelming Force has lost many members to attrition and real-life pressures.
We have many new members and wish to "test-drive" our lineup.
We are accepting challenges for 5-on-5 matches.
Message me
Leader, Overwhelming Force (OWF)
In 1982, back in the days of dial-up, I created a website called BUSHIDO BBS, and on that site I created a game known as "Battle for North America" or BNA. It was a geopolitical game, very similar to Supremacy1914, except that it was essentially play-by-mail (or in this case, message). Being dial-up, only one player could be on at a time, players messaged me as to their move for that turn, I calculated the results, including battles using a 10-sided-die to determine odds, and posted the results the next morning, We had up to 30 players from all over the USA (some of whom I later learned were hacking their way in through other's phone numbers). The game ran until July of 1987 when outside circumstances forced me to take it down. I did investigate several times in the interim the feasibility of automating the game to run on a www. website, but other things always seemed to take priority...BUSHIDO BBS may have been the forerunner of games such as Supremacy....
OWF is recruiting
No Drama Queens, please!
We really enjoyed the Alliance Tournament a couple of years ago
Are there any plans for another?
Alliances used to be able to challenge each other
I cannot find a mechanism to do so these days....
Please explain how....
I keep responding to an invitation to join, I look for games and find none, then I am dropped for non-participation.
I play regular Supremacy games, but have yet to find a FLP game
Am I the only one?