Posts by FilthyLittleBeast

    I think the issue is related to the angle and speed. If the angle Army 1 - Army A - Army B is acute ( /__ ), Army B will contact Army 1 before merging into Army A.

    The best chance of merging seems to be if Army B is opposite Army 1, like so: B ---> A <--- 1

    The game cycles, periodically checking for opposing army proximity. You need to merge between cycles. Fast march gives the best chance of sneaking in. All this is just a guess, but being a programmer myself, this is how it appears to me.

    The safest thing is to make sure your merging army can fight on its own.

    I feel like 1914 is neglecting the most crucial element of strategy—namely, the advantages conferred on forces executing multi-directional attacks.

    The entire point of maneuver is pin down an enemy force from one direction and attack it from another, preferably from the rear. In the real world, forces suffering these these kinds of attacks are generally annihilated with little damage to the attackers. In 1914, there is no advantage whatsoever.

    e. g. for attacking units A1 and A2, and defending unit D1:

    A1 attacks D1, combat processes normally.

    A2 attacks D1, combat processes normally but defending strength is multiplied (reduced) by modifier M

    M = 100% - (absolute value of A1 direction minus A2 direction in degrees) / 180

    in this instance, for a true rear attack the defender would have a strength of zero, which isn’t realistic. I would probably make the minimum 15%, and certainly no more than 50%.

    The above equation should work for as many separate attacks (A3, A4, etc) as are present.

    Following the initial attack of A2, D1 should be able to alter their primary defensive direction, and apply M against either A1 or A2, depending on which is least disadvantageous to D1.

    I cannot stress enough how important this is. Right now, gameplay is essentially trench warfare. Unless you can break through into an enemy’s unprotected rear area and roll up their provinces, you might as well keep executing one frontal attack after another. This is a great game, but could be SO much better with this one simple modification.