Posts by Robvvvv


    In the past I appear to have had airfields sabotaged, grounding my planes and making them easy targets - does anybody know how this was done?

    Is it as simple as placing military sabotage spies in that province, or was goldsmark spent to achieve this?

    Thanks for any help. Rob.

    Hi, sorry if this has been answered I can't find the information.

    I have an enemy (Greenland) boxing me in to Norway. Why can he see my submarines?

    He was my ally but surprise attacked me, and has me boxed in - whenever I sortee out with subs, not even going for his ships he immediately picks them off every time. They don't seem to run into his subs (I never see his), and I'm under the (wrong?) impression it's too far for his air cover. I'm not venturing very far out at all.

    Cheers, Rob, Nottingham, England.