Hi there! There were server issues in the games around the time that you posted this, so I'm assuming that's what was wrong. If you're still having trouble accessing the game, then you should contact support in settings/more or at the bottom of the login page. If it was just the server issues, then I recommend joining the Official Discord to see the latest news about stuff like this in future
Posts by Pinguzard
I posted the invite link to the Discord in my last message, and the updates would be posted in the news channel
Hi, there was a server outage for a short while earlier today, that is why you were unable to access the game. I suggest that if this happens again, you take a look at the Official Discord server for any updates on what's going on
sign me up
Pinguzard -
Yeeeaaaahhhh sign me up yo
yup, I see it now sorry
It's weekly/monthly rankings. Not overall rankings. Players don't need to be level 19 to have done the most this week/month
Lady Caroline (63763669) would like to sign up
Sign me up
If it passes 72 hours send me a DM in game or a whisper in chat if you see me there
Did you complete all of the questions in the chat box with the support bot? Because if everything isn't completed, the report does not actually submit.
Chat moderators are exactly what their name suggests. *Chat* moderators. If there is an issue within a map, then they do not deal with, that is up to support.
CouBlanco (61261148) would like to join if there's still room
Sign me up 😄