Late game heavy GM will die easy since you will have army yourself to kill it. In the start of game only support of other is possible to kill him. I remember a 500 from the past we're the gmer gm all my city to 0 moral for killing him! In totally he spend 20m gm on that just for die in it , my and ally spend not even 400k gm together., For the game yay good found the server will stay free. For it was first time and only map I every lost around 200 city by revolt after day change.
Posts by Bobokil
that'd be a scam, but if i had no choice, i'd take the "pay 10k GM per month" option
agree with you
I test on different map with AI have from them on ROW if put army on Aggressive they will open fire . So update this time was a fail from me point.
mate gm is holly your going against something that you can't win.Only think is forget that map start a new one, I have myself 5 500 maps that same happen lost in all 5 250 bombers and around 500 fighter. That is holly and nobody will do something against it. First time it happen I spoken about gm instant a warning bam from the mods. At time I was new player. So only suggest forget that map play a new one since gm user that no skill use pure gm to win are holly player.
Nice update!
No mate.
2 win on 1vs 1 map you have Bronze medal
6 win on 1vs 1 map you have Silver medal
15 wins on 1vs 1 map you get Gold medal
The loser get nothing!!!!!!!!
no mate the 1vs 1 Medals go from Bronz up to Gold depend how wins you have, you set other open.
Like on the beginning more supply's from the start. 4 map joined 4 maps won easy 40k GM. Thank you for the map!
easy 40k gm won by win all 4 maps I joined
end 4 map end . Joined 4 won 4 easy 40k gm!
1 more Central powers and 1 Entente win easy 10k gold last map still other work since I was away during the week-end.
Generally the update is from 2 to 5 days.,
After will update directly and will make big jump or lose big.
thank you for solving so many bugs! keep the good work up!
Easy win on the first map . The other maps are close finish to.
Congrats mate.
Or make lvl of joining go up and don't start from 0. may also help.
I think 1 day Inactive is a better solution in 2 maps the AI did more then player did even after the North part was already taken by the enemy team we still won 3vs 10 destroy there South .After the turn all AI in the North the AI take city back and we 3 push from South 2 days later we had the Points:) turn the map around.
If your Heavy Tank is lvl 1 and come with lvl 4 Light Tank you tank will even make damage to mine. Is all about lvl off the units.
All fine just more supply's at start make even more fun.
My units are lvl 4 so if come with lvl 1 the will get like image a massacre your side. Only think like first are they supply's rest is a ok if know how use your army or what army you need to build. If build all them your just food since have no time upgrade then and die like in the images his units lvl 1 . To get a lvl 4 Research take 1 day of Research and it doesn't stop there you have something else to in order to build them. Otherwise will have lvl 1 even if research them to 4. So advise ready the beginning post then know what need to do or build lvl 1 and come with 4 or the max 6.