The suggestion is to allow the creation of personalized chats between various countries in the game, where players can choose which nations participate. This feature would provide more flexible communication, allowing for direct negotiations and planning with countries that are not yet part of the coalition. This more open and strategic approach would offer a more dynamic and interactive experience in the diplomatic context of the game
Posts by Sr Brandao
The suggestion is to allow the creation of personalized chats between various countries in the game, where players can choose which nations participate. This feature would provide more flexible communication, allowing for direct negotiations and planning with countries that are not yet part of the coalition. This more open and strategic approach would offer a more dynamic and interactive experience in the diplomatic context of the game
Portuguese translation:
A sugestão é permitir a criação de chats personalizados entre vários países no jogo, onde os jogadores podem escolher quais nações participam. Essa funcionalidade proporcionaria uma comunicação mais flexível, permitindo negociações e planejamentos diretos com países que ainda não fazem parte da coligação. Essa abordagem mais aberta e estratégica ofereceria uma experiência mais dinâmica e interativa no contexto diplomático do jogo.