Posts by Drpepperknight


    The first post, I'm nervous! Anywho.

    I have noticed that based on the numbers, I wouldn't say I like using armored cars so much for defense or cav all the time for offense. In all truthfulness, this is what I've done.

    Playing Korea on the 100-player map, I start to build Cav and use them early to push Manchuria, and then I can begin to build armored cars.

    Once I have both, I change tactics to the following. I primarily use Cav to defend from naval invasion, and I use armored cars as a good defense and a potent offense. I'll move forward, sit, and let the enemy attack my larger defense stat. I've found this to be effective because if I'm going to lose health, I want more health per damage point. Armored cars have 60 HP, to the 12 Defense stat. Infantry, of course, has the better defense stat as well. 20 HP, 5 Defense, whereas only a 4 Attack. Making both units point per point more effective in a forward defense.

    I use the Cav to protect from naval invasion because I can use their speed to move to attack the disembarking troops, which negligibly hurt my weak 25 HP cav, but with the 15 Attack, it well makes up for the lower health. This makes it where I can move all or most of the infantry forward for a more significant attack and defend with fewer troops due to the more practical "Defense" numbers. Thanks to the disembarking taking 4.5 hours and being attacked by the cav, it works. I'll run around with groups of 5 for the lovely 75 max Attack, but 60 is also suitable for 2-3 attacks that can defeat early naval invasions fairly easily. I have managed this twice against Japan in the Early game.

    Has anyone else done such a thing? Is this a regular practice? What does everyone think?