Posts by Tyr-Ion

    Good afternoon everyone :) Balloons should not be able to see submarines unless (1) the submarine attacks something within the balloon viewing range or (2) detected by flights of fighters on patrol over an ocean sector.

    Historically the subs ran on the surface during the day and at night (balloons would have 0 visible range during night periods). When running on the day they did so while on the prowl looking for a target and when spotted would dive to attack. So if balloons can see subs all the time (which is woefully inaccurate for WW1 standards) then 50% of the game day all subs disappear from the screens unless they attack a target or if a patrolling fighter spots them.

    The other 50% of the game day (daylight assuming good weather) they "could be spotted". Even if it is daytime, the WW1 submarine running on the surface in a standard sea state is really hard to spot. You have to be looking in the right spot for a period of time to be able to pick them up even at the horizon.

    Recommend going back to the original rule to make it easier - subs are only spotted when they attack or when a fighter flight spots them while on patrol or flies over them.

    Thank you for your time. :)

    Respectfully if we are suggesting a new naval unit I would suggest destroyer class flotillas. I propose the following stats:

    a. Speed - same as a light cruiser.

    b. Ranged attack - 0

    c. Close in combat - these ships have smaller guns than the cruisers so destroyers only attack when they are in the same spot as an enemy. This reflects the 4 inch or 5 inch guns and torpedos. The rating would be a 5.0

    d. Anti-Air defense - 1.0

    e. Anti-Sub attack - 5.0 Note: WW1 destroyers did not have sonar. If they could spot a sub on the surface they would attack with their guns to drive it under the sea then pound it with depth charges. So even with destroyers around, if the sub does not attack, the subs remain unseen.

    Hit Points - 4.0


    1. convoy escort vessels.

    2. They are cheaper than cruisers.

    3. Level 1 factory can build them in a day.

    Thoughts everyone and thank you for your time :)

    Legacy mode should be made available to be played by all members of the Supremacy community. I remember reading in a post that said as of a certain date Legacy mode will not be made available for new players joining. I disagree with this decision. Let the players decide what version they like to play that does not damage their computing device or cellular phone.

    Also a comment was made by a "powers that be" about the amount of money Legacy mode generates...Supremacy was touted always as a free game. If you want to play without spending a dime, you can. If you want to spend $100USD on a game, you can. If you purposely limit the players playing Legacy, you correspondingly limit the potential amount of income you can possibly receive from players.

    Open it up.

    Thank you for your time.


    Legacy mode allows all players across the economic spectrum (no matter what their financial resources are) to play. The new format uses allot of graphics. Most laptops have a limited to no graphics card (especially an older one like mine). I have tried the new version and the map and all the unit icons do not even show up (too many graphics for my laptop to display) so I stick to Legacy mode. In basic playing, graphics do not matter, it is acquiring provinces and improving the morale of the provinces to gain sufficient points to win the game. Personally, I do not need fancy graphics for that to happen.

    With corona virus impacting the globe as well as the economic job dislocations associated with this pandemic, this is not the time to purposely force players from playing your game/s. Not everyone has the money to go out and purchase a brand new computer or laptop with a high end graphics accelerator card. Request;

    a. do not eliminate the support for legacy mode.

    (1) To Bytro's finance department - perhaps maintain the Legacy system for users but in order to "pay to play" we users pay a small fee similar to the fee for High Command. Example $20USD for six months of Legacy play.

    b. postpone this order until the corona virus has been stopped and the world wide economies recover (the jobs come back and people have more discretionary income). From many reputable source the early projections for this to happen are now into 2022 - 2023 (time for the shots to roll out and a high percentage of the populations to take them and to monitor the vaccine's effectiveness. Once effective, businesses will reopen, masks can come off, and things can return back to quasi what it used to be.)

    Thank you for your time.


    To Lord Dragos - Greetings!

    Think of the combat in this game in two forms - knife fight inside a telephone booth and ranged combat.

    All knife fights are resolved to the death - one side or the other will win. With ranged combat, you have can withdraw after shooting. Call it shoot and scoot. Cruisers have the shortest range so you have to be careful with them. The enemy closed in, your cruiser fired at range and then he closed into knife fighting range and picture 1600's pirates pulling up alongside your ship and boarding it...

    How to kill subs - air patrols with fighters with bombers waiting at closeby aerodromes ready to launch once a sub has been found. Otherwise 20 inf at sea can engage one sub at 1-1 odds.

    Sub has a strength at sea of 4 = almost a battleship or 2 cruisers.

    2 subs can sink a battleship. So attach some cruisers with battleships to act as escorts and provide additional anti-aircraft and anti-surface/sub defense.

    Hope this helps. :)

    Ladies and gentlemen, recommend we do not attack (using words) each other over our views. They are our respective views but instead focus on the problem at hand.

    Issue - the latest patch removed free trade from all but coalitions. We the few (sidebar - looking at the total population of current players, those that have posted on this thread are a minority in total voices).

    We need more people to speak up. If more people complain, Bytro and the developers might listen.

    My input is and I am doing this in my games, my alliance, and here is to shed light on this issue and get more people to complain.

    If this is not done the the end results will be to either accept the patches and be done with it or to leave the game altogether. Personally I have invested way to much time to just walk away - yet. From the comments I have read since the beginning of this thread on page 1, all of you have invested time and money in Bytro - some more than me.

    Post on your games newspaper and talk about this with your alliances. We cannot be the only ones unhappy. If we are, Bytro would gladly like to see us go to be rid of "the problem at hand".

    Thank you for your time.

    We should take a step back and look at the latest patches and see this from a war game stand point. In any war game, be it an old fashioned board-game (Risk, Chess etc) or Supremacy, we are all looking at what are the moves of our opponent.

    These are the facts in this "game" we are playing with "the company" (Bytro does not like it's name mentioned in a derogatory sense or tone. This can lead to repercussions...)

    1. "The Company" likes it when people buy gold marks. It pays the bills pure and simple. I will not go into gold mark abuse in many of the games but the few (key word) that spend lavishly help them economically.

    a. Financial types in the company can easily track each player and divide them into those who buy gold marks and those who don't.

    b. A financial decision must have been made by the powers that be to turn Supremacy and other games into a pay to play. They tease players to play for free but in the end the free persons get steam rolled and eventually give up or break out the credit card

    2. "The Company" is easily tracking who is complaining and who is not. They can use their computers and report to the powers that be that on any given day they have X amount of players playing in Y games. From this, how many are complaining about an update and how may are complacent about the changes. Point summary - if we are the minority, there will be no changes.

    3. If the people that are complaining are also those who spend lavishly, then "the company" will listen as they do not want their gravy train/s to go away.

    4. In the meantime, just like the main cell phone manufacturers, they do not want you to buy a cell phone and keep it that way for life. They want you to buy a new one every 2-3 years (read pay to play...) "The company" is going down the same path.

    Point Summary - we all wish for the earlier versions of Supremacy, but sadly I feel those days are in the past. We can vote with our feet but we will be replaced by newer players who never knew what the game was like in it's heyday.

    We need an additional naval unit called a destroyer flotilla.


    Cost: 5,000 silver, 1,000 iron, 500 coal, 500 oil.

    Speed of a cruiser. When escorting a convoy, it's speed will match that of the troop ships.

    No ranged combat. Will "attack" a naval unit when it occupies the same space.

    Surface attack of 1, anti-air defense of .5, submarine attack of 2.

    Good at acting as picket ships, escorting convoys, and forming anti-sub groups that can race in to attack subs found by aircraft or when the subs attacked a convoy.

    Thank you for your time and consideration of this unit .:)

    Short version - return the ability to trade resources to the players. We are in control of our own countries and to whom we choose to trade with.

    Long version - Bytro's inability to deal with the multi-account persons has lead to to a rule which impacts everyone negatively. All of us should not be punished. The ability to trade openly or not trade at all should rest solely with the players. The wording I have read is that this will be a good thing. I whole heartedly disagree. It only positively effects those constant groups of three to seven players who move from match to match because for them, there is no change except when their members want more of a resource that none of them are willing to trade to each other.

    Trade and commerce is communication. Restrict trade, you restrict the way players can intereact.

    Undo the fix, and allow us to trade freely.

    Restrict trade and the results are simple - either the players try and take it if they cannot afford it through silver marks or it forces them to use gold marks to buy the things they need. We all know the company that runs these games (cannot mention them by name...) loves gold mark purchasers.