why you move legacy mode to another screen ? why you didnt keep it as it was. So you could select legacy mode right away and not first click on detail of the game and then click on legacy ...
Posts by Simon911
I think the prices should be changed.
For damaging building and economics the prices are still low and for reveal country info its too big i would swap those prices
well lets see how it will feels in the new map. But i would more appreciate if you increase radius how far can planes flight especially fighters as right now on 500 maps you dont have a chance to flight around the map and on assia its so annoying to build on every single city aerodrome.
Also another good thing would be on 500 map to have an option to build another capitol or something similar, so there are no so huge issues with morale in a cities because of distance from capitol.
And about declaring war ... really annoying thing is when you are an ally with someone for 70 days of a round and then he goes AFK and 3h later that NPC declare war on you ... With your ally you should have all the time high % of popularity its just dont make sense that i have with ally popularity 4%
i had the same issue but that happens to me on 500 map.
Guy with who i worked 70 days went AI and two houes later this AI declare war on me and i almost lost game because of that. I had a luck and guy was AI just about 15h but still he capture like 30 cities
as i didnt have much units in our border
you can always send game to archive
click on game info and there you have an option to send it to archive
you need to build baraks best in double cities where your recruiting is faster (lvl 2 barask in double city-> each 8h 1 new soldier)
i like that idea that different units have different upkeep
also would be great if you dont have food -> soldiers dying
if you dont have gas -> mech units not moving
if you dont have coal -> railways not working
if you dont have oil -> your factory stop working (or something similar)
about delays this is known issue and it would be super great to have it on the phone
im using legacy mode to play ... i dont like the new one and already have setup low graphics
but also what do you think about other 2 points ?
Maybe someone already pointed this out , but i didnt find any related link,topic to it.
In 500 map in general is huge issue 3 things.
1. morale of provinces - you can have just 1 capitol .. it will be super cool if you have an option to build some small capitol or smt. Lets say once you reach 200 cities (or more/less) you will be able to build additional capitol
2. planes - right now its not possible to flight from one corner to other corner with planes. Why there are no islands so you are able to fly with fighters. It will be much better if there would be that option. I know it would not be accurate to year 1914 but it will be much better and it will open much more option for a fight for example have additional option how to get to africa that would be super cool. Because right now when you are starting in America it sucks to get to other continents.
3. on later stage of the game maps are super slow. I have strong gaming PC but still to load the page it took few seconds and even sometimes it crash just because its not able to load the page or even better when you want to group units from bigger amount of cities
thats almost imposible.
This is not working any longer. If you try flower defense it will end up that your whole city will be wipe out (all building destroyed)
It is really for using patrol just to defend land units?
Im testing this on 500 map and so far i see this.
If i use first patrol and enemy use patrol above mine -> I do dmg first
If i use patrol above my units and enemy send planes -> i will kill his planes
If i use patrol and enemy is attacking my patrol -> he kill all my planes
If i use double or triple patrol (so patrol above patrol) and enemy fighters attacking my patrol -> still they kill my fighters and theirs are without dmg
If enemy planes attack something and then they returning back i can attack them and kill all of them without taking dmg. I remember few rounds ago this was not possible as planes always return dmg and do even more dmg on the way back.
So did bytro changed how planes act ? and now there is no way how to protect your planes ?
waaaau but where is the youtube video ?
I actually win that game i just stop protecting those cities and focus only to defend few cities where i already have few railguns
in this tactics i was still be able to have solit production (as i lost the single cities which dont have big value)
i agree that new elite ai is cool but on normal map where you can wipe them but not in dominion where you havent this option so you have basically war till end of the round
i have bigger problem with elite AI on dominion then with inactive players.
to have a war with a AI for 4 weeks and not be able to end it thats the new name for a frustration.
Hi guys,
I think to have so aggresive AI in dominion its bad decission. There is no option how you can have a peace with elite AI.
I started to play dominion and then other player declare war and go imidiately afk. So i have war with him from day 3. Now i have day 35 and still i cannot have a peace with this PC. Because of this war other PC around start declaring war to me and far as this is dominion there is no chance to end a war with them.
So in dominion there should be implemented some setting when elite AI have only starting possition of other players they should go and accept peace right away and not to wait additional few weeks.
This approach as it is right now just ruin a game as it is not possible to be even with other guys which have more luck and dont have so agressive AI next to them.