Was the Legacy interface different enough that it wouldn't be resolved with a map filter that placed pins instead of unit sprites and icons? I vaguely recall discussion that it was easier to pinpoint unit placement in Legacy.
Posts by Walrus_3d 1914
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i use whimsical names like Squiddling Abernathy and Meddling Drickler.
The coalition members can turn off RoW at any time. That's why there is a waiting period between leaving one coalition and joining another.
If the advantage is that the coalitions are now sharing maps between their members, that seems to me to be within the scope of the rules. Otherwise they would hard code status changes when leaving or joining new coalitions.
What does archiving a map do? I did that to a game I was in thinking it would keep it in an archive so I could reference the stats and such later, but I noticed that I am missing a victory in my stats. The game that I archived turned out to be a victory.
Archiving removes it from your active games list and stops you from receiving notifications about it. If you weren't active on the map when it ended, you don't get credit for the victory. Only archive maps you intend to quit.
I've suggested this before, to be able to filter in range rings around units or cities for planning. My focus was mainly for aircraft ranges to build aerodromes without already having fighters to check the range, but visibility and range unit circles would also be helpful.
also DevonLarett
if he hasn't contacted you already, Smerkin is trying to sign up.
Certain resources at zero will affect your units' morale and/or speed. (Grain, Fish (for cavalry), Oil). Keep those always above zero.
The day-change calculation for province morale is based on the quantities at the time, so you can theoretically keep gas negative all day, and buy 24 hours' worth right before day change and be fine.
I think the actual level needed to avoid the shortage morale factor is 18 hours' worth, but if you plan for 24 you'll never go wrong.
If you have a unit queued in a province that is already building a unit, it will skip down the list to the next build. The best way to ensure a certain unit type is built next is to set that unit type in multiple cities before queueing other unit types.
The same condition applies for new construction in a province where construction is already underway. If you queue a harbor and then a railway in one city, and queue another building in another city, chances are good the second city's building will begin before the first city's second build, if that makes sense.
If solo units are in melee range during an enemy unit's combat tick or change movement order, they'll begin combat. You should consolidate your units prior to moving them into a combat zone. Even strong units will be destroyed quickly without infantry in the stack.
You would get the same effect by trading them the resources needed to build the unit, and they would generally get it faster than 24 hours.
I don't see the developers putting unit trades back into the code, especially since they would also have to code a 24 hour delay into unit movement, and 0 stats for 24 hours.
Could it be because i used forced march?
Is there a difference between ranged and unranged attack, or do you mean for armies that contain both unit types?
Both unit types in one stack.
how was possible to transfer all the army as there was a 10% limit for army transfers?
Limit of 10% for the sender or the receiver? If it's for the sender, sure, but they're still account pushing to send all of the troops they can in a match they don't intend to play. If it's for the receiver, then you transfer 10% of your troops to each member of a coalition, and then archive.
All your inferences were wrong, Walrus..
They're not inferences, they're descriptions of game mechanics. It would help to have a bit more information about the article declaring the war. Did the AI "declare" war, did they surprise attack you, or did they say you surprise attacked them?
I could see ranged attack being added as either a column or a row in the existing unit "combat info" section. Either way would work.
If you order the artillery to attack troops It'll keep attacking them till they are out of range or KIA.
If you want to attack a City just order the artillery to attack the city itself.
I've never had that work if the troops were visible. Mine always target the units. Is it possible to differentiate on PC, then?
If you're in neutral territory and their units encounter yours, within 5 km, combat will begin and the record will say that you attacked. The other possible option is that you were attacking a city that they moved a unit through during the attack round.
If you time the approach so they arrive before the next combat round, or are more than 5km away when it begins, you'll avoid attacking early.