Someone said, " We have numbers like more people play the new UI and less people play Legacy"
If you want to check real numbers and all, allow everyone to play / access LEGACY !
Someone said, " We have numbers like more people play the new UI and less people play Legacy"
If you want to check real numbers and all, allow everyone to play / access LEGACY !
Every time they discontinue support for an outdated and obsolete UI, everyone comes in droves to complain in the forums denying change and progression. Frankly, if Bytro listened to the complaints we'd be stuck with the game looking and feeling like the early 2000s. Here is a pic of what you younglings are missing out on
I do think there are some annoying issues with the new UI, a personal pet peeve of mine for example is the inability to hide with an option the capital/leader names but you're dreaming if you think the future is in the past.
then why not simple scrap the game / rename it to supremacy 2014 instad of 1914, then let there be modern things
modern game modern look everything. Legacy mode gives the feeling of Supremacy" 1914"
Guys! its a request that do whatever changes you want i dont really care, but keep Legacy open for old players ...
Thank you!
As they have more players using the new UI, they now no more need the old players.
Time to quit ?