Posts by yandrey

    Hi, is there any way to replay a map? I know I can have a look at previous days in DE, but that map is very tiny, especially for 500 player map. Is there a way to get it in a larger resolution? Or maybe can I somehow get the data, if a picture is not available?


    I like this game a lot, I have been playing since 2009 and there is one feature that I would love:

    Games, where you spend GM to join, but then there is no GM spending in that game anymore.

    I understand the need for goldmarks, developers have to eat, and I also understand that full transition from p2w to p2p would be too drastic and risky... so adding this one feature to game creator seems like a best option to me.

    I just really want a game which is 100% fair and I don't mind paying for it.
